
The Watchman.

                                                                   The Watchman.   We Kingdom Citizens Have a “Watchman”.   All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his “own way”; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.  (Isaiah 53:6) If ye love me, keep my commandments.  And I shall pray the Father, and He shall give you “Another Comforter”, the He may abide with you forever, even the Spirit of Truth.   (John 14:15-17)   Kingdom Citizens “Must Listen” for the “Words” of the Watchman!   Jesus the Christ is the “Watchman” God provided for the care and protection of His children, His creation, us.  God has always shown special care for His people.  God’s people, Kingdom Citizens, “Love”.  Are you one of God’s People; do you Love”?  If you do not Love, the Watchman is not provided for you.   Watchman – A person who is called upon to give warnings of impending judgement.   God has laid on Jesus the iniquity of all of us, but we must Love the Lord and our

Wait on The Lord.

                                                                 Wait on The Lord.   To Wait on The Lord is Salvation.   Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart (mind): wait, I say, on the Lord.  (Psalms 27:14)   If we don’t “Wait on the Lord”, we will “Run with Satan”.   Jesus “has saved” us from the penalty of sin; Jesus “is saving” us from the power of sin; Jesus “is going to save” us from the presence of sin.  When we “Wait on the Lord” we experience Salvation from the “Power of Sin”.   Our Daily Nugget is telling us these two things; 1. That if we “Wait on The Lord” and 2. That if we “Be of Good Courage”; THEN, Jesus “Shall Strengthen Our Heart/Mind”, our “Thinking”.   The Bible tells us that “We, Kingdom Citizens, Can Do All Things Through Christ Who ‘Strengthens’ Us”.  Do we Believe God’s Word or not?  Can you “See” yourself doing All Things?  Our Daily Nugget is saying, that if you Wait on the Lord, and Be of Good Courage (Confident) that you s

Love is The Way.

                                                                  Love is The Way.   “Our Way” is “The Wrong Way”.   Jesus says, I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  (John 14:6).    There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.  (Proverbs 14:12)   We Can Never “Get to Right”, “Going Wrong”!   Our Daily Nugget in John is Jesus declaring himself to be the only way to eternal life, the only source of righteousness, and the source of physical and spiritual life.  Jesus said this to his disciples on the night before his death and betrayal.  Thomas wanted to know The Way to where Jesus was going.   Jesus said The Way is Love. Love will cover a multitude of sins. The Right Way is found in The Word, Jesus the Christ, our Lord.   The questions are, “A Way” or “The Way”, and to “Where”?  The Way to get to Jesus is To Love, to do for others what you would like them to do for you.  Love is doing for people and doing for The Lord.  This is The Way.  The Way must

The Destiny of "Faith"!

                                                            The Destiny of “Faith”! Is Salvation.   Who are kept by the power of God through “Faith” unto Salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.  (1 Peter 1:5)  Receiving the “End of Your Faith”, even the Salvation of your souls.  (1 Peter 1:9)    “Saving Power” is the Destiny of Faith!   Jesus, the Christ, “Has Paid It All”; therefore, there is no condemnation for us who “Believe”.  Belief and Faith “walk together”.  If we “Believe” our Daily Nuggets and “Chose” to “Trust” our Daily Nuggets we will be able to “Live By Faith”.   Believe – To “Trust in Christ” “and” “Commit to Living” in a way that God wants. Faith – Provides “Assurance” for the future because it is a “Trust in God” today.             It is not Faith, if we Trust ourselves or doubt; we will Trust God or self.             Our “Faith” “has been” given to us by God; we must “exercise”, put to work, our Faith.  To Trust God is evidence that we are not trusting self;

Invitation to M.E.A.T - Men Eating All Truth

  Thank you for receiving the Daily Nugget.   We have started M.E.A.T., “Men Eating All Truth”, a Men’s Monthly Bible Study and Family Church Work Group.   We will meet at the Brookside Park at the Rose Bowl on the third Saturday of each month. The Bible Study is from 9 am to 10:30 am., from 8 am to 9 am we will have Continental Breakfast.  The first Official Meeting is this Saturday 10/19/24.   Please text me your email address, as I would like to send some information to you on M.E.A.T.    Please RSVP by Thursday, 10/17/24, as we need count to prepare.

The Comforter.

                                                                    The Comforter.                                           What Needless Pain We Bear!   But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My Name, He will teach your “All Things”.  And He will cause you to “Recall Everything” I have told you.  (John 14:26)   The Everything is in “His Word, The Bible”. The Comforter is the Holy Spirit; He, Jesus and God are “One”.   Our Daily Nugget is emphasizing two main points:   1.      God sent His Holy Spirit to us in Jesus’s name, to “Teach Us All Things”. 2.      The Holy Spirit will cause us to “Recall Everything” the Word, told us.   The “All Things” is written in God’s Word, the Bible.  If we do not “consume” The Word, the Bible through Study, “There is nothing there for the Holy Spirit to cause us to Remember”.  The Biblical command to Study is good for many reasons.  The main reason is we will no longer be foolish, but wise.  Knowing what to do, not just think

I''m Grown!

                                                                         I’m Grown!   I Do What I Want To Do.   Surely, surely, I say unto you; Unless you humble yourself as a little child you “Shall Not Enter The Kingdom”.  (Matthew 18:3)   Grown People Cannot Enter the Kingdom! It is “Critical” to Enter the Kingdom of God While Still On Earth.   A “I’m Grown Mentality” is founded in insecurity and pride; they both are signs of fear and weakness.  Strong Men and Women “humble themselves”.  Humility is a “Great Strength”, and it moves God to “Lift Up” the person who humbled themselves and to bring low the person who filled themselves with pride.  Never try to “Act or Look Tough”, this is pride, and God will bring you low!   Humility – A divine characteristic that involves a heart/mind attitude of lowliness, meekness, and selflessness.  It’s a disposition that involves seeing oneself before God, putting others’ needs before one’s own, and acknowledging one’s unworthiness before God.   A