
The Voice!

                                                                         The Voice!   Tells us the “Way Out” of Dilemmas!   Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear “A Voice” behind you, saying, “This is The Way”; “Walk In It”.  (Isaiah 30:21) God is Faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, He will also provide a “Way Out” so that you can endure it.   (1 Corinthians 10:13)   The Voice of God and the Voice of Satan are always speaking to us. The Voice of God will always line up with The Word of God, in the Bible. We must Study the Bible to know God’s Voice or the Voice of the Demonic Spirits.   Listen for The Voice! God says, we are not orphans; for He will not leave us fatherless.  The Ark Was A Way Out in Noah’s Day!    Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, is our Way Out Today!  God has always allowed us to accept or reject His Way Out! This is The Day, Now is the Hour, to “Hear and Obey” the Voice of God.   Our

Everything Matters.

                                                                Everything Matters.   God Considers Everything We Do!   Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for his inheritance.  From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place “He Watches” all who live on earth, He forms the “hearts of all”, who considers  everything they do.  (Psalms 33:12-15)   Everything Matters, God is Lord. Things we think and do “matters” to God. God wants to be involved in every single thing we do. To Move A Single Grain of sand is “to change the whole world”.   God alone knows our “motives” for everything we do.  God “judges” our motives.  All our actions and inactions that are guided by “sincerity and truth” is Honored by God and Blessings Follows.  “All” our actions and inactions guided by “deception and manipulation” is Not Honored by God, cruses follow.   God is serious; Adam only ate a fruit he was “told not to eat”. By a single act of obedience, Sa

Unspotted From The World.

                                                     Unspotted From the World.   New Creatures live “unspotted from the world”, Old Creatures do not.   Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father are this, “To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction”, and to keep himself “unspotted from the world”.  (James 1:27)   Pure Religion is Loving Your Neighbor; it is “Doing”. Pure Religion occurs outside the walls of a Church building. God said, Be Ye Holy, as I Am Holy! Not Perfect Living, But Holy Loving!   God’s mandate for Holy Living. “Get rid” of all “moral filth” and the “evil” that is so “prevalent” and “humbly” accept “The Word” planted in you, “Which Can Save You”.  (James 1:21) God would never command us to Live Holy if it was impossible to do.  Even if everybody else is living unholy, we must live Holy.  If we want to Live Holy, we will, if we don’t want to Live Holy, we will not.   God’s Word, the Bible, Can Save us from Unholy Living.  When we “Plant God’s Wo

Who Are You?

                                                                      Who Are You?   I know Jesus and I know Paul, But.   And the evil spirit answered and said, “Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you”?   (Acts 19:15)     I Don’t Know You. The Evil Spirits Know Jesus and those Jesus Sends!   If Jesus didn’t send you, “Don’t Go”; evil spirits will overcome you! The spirit world controls the physical world.  The Bible says that which is real is that which will last forever. The Spirit World will last forever; the physical world will not, it will pass away.  God and Jesus control the Spirit World and the evil spirits knows those whom God has given “Power” to.  You want power, ask God for it.                                                              Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that if Jesus doesn’t send us, and tell us to say a thing, that we should not go or say.  The evil spirits know the false teachers and the True Teachers.  The false teachers approached a man with a

Jeremiah Wept.

                                                                    Jeremiah Wept.                                              Why Did Jeremiah Weep?   My grief is beyond healing; my heart (mind) is broken.  Listen to the weeping of my people; it can be heard all across the land.  Has the Lord abandoned Jerusalem?  The people ask.  Is her King no longer there?  Oh, why have they provoked my anger with their “carved idols” and “their worthless foreign gods”?  Says the Lord.  (Jeremiah 8:18-19)   Jeremiah Wept because he “Could See” the Destiny of the People!   Jeremiah Weeps for Sinful Judea.  God requires “Sincerity and Truth”!   Thou shall have “No Other ‘god’ Before Me”!  Judea had other gods before God, just like the United States.  As a Christian do you put your Faith in God, or in the “Manipulation of the Political Process?  Which is Your god or God; which one do you depend on?  Our political process is “demonic”, it leaves God out. Placing our Faith and Trust in it is evidence o

There Is No Me Without You!

                                                     There Is No Me Without You!   “In You” I Put “My Hope”.   Apart from Me (Jesus), you can do nothing.  (John 15:5)   We Must “Be” and “Stay” Connected to Jesus!   Our Daily Nugget is a Truth that we cannot afford to set aside; apart from Jesus, We Can-Do No-Good Thing. If we do not embrace and live this Truth, we will become Pride Filled.  Pride will lead us to lose Hope; we cannot afford to lose Hope.   Hope – Is commonly used to mean a “wish”: its strength is the strength of the “Person’s Desire”.  But in the Bible “Hope” is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in “His Faithfulness”.   It is impossible for God to “Let Us Down”, “If” we have Hope.   We stay connected through a Right Heart/Mind; this is where our Hope Dwells.  Sometimes we, Kingdom Citizens can lose Hope.  The Bible tells us how to Get Hope to Return to us.   Yet “hope returns” when I “remember” this one thing:  The Lord’s unfailing l

Between The Ears!

                                                                  Between The Ears!   The Place Where Everything Starts!    By the “Word of the Lord” the heavens were made, and by the “Breadth of His Mouth” all their hosts.  (Psalms 33:6) You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil “say” anything good?  For the mouth speaks “what the heart (mind) is full of”.  A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.  (Matthew 12:34-35)   God gives us Control of our life through Thinking. Our Words Starts “Between Our Ears”, through Thinking. The Mouth Speaks “What” we have Filled our Heat/Minds With. Everything Starts in the “Unseen”, the “Spirit World”, “Between the Ears”.   Man is not what he Thinks he is, man is “What” “He Thinks”.  What we Think is the sum of what we have consumed through our eyes and ears. Everything has a Starting Place and an Ending Place.  The Heavens, its Host, started in the Word of