God Promised Us!

 Galatians 3:14       Due to what Jesus did, the blessing God “promised” to Abraham was given to all people.  Christ died so that “by believing” in him we could have the “Spirit” that God promised.


God Promised Us!


The Promise from God to

“Abraham”, to “You” & to “Me”

Is “The Spirit”!


The Spirit is The “First Payment” of The Promise!


Let Us Explore This Promise


              Genesis 12:1-3

               The Lord said to Abram, 

     Leave your country and your people.

     Leave your father’s family and go to the country that I will show you”.

     I will build a great nation from you.

     I will bless you.

               I will make your name famous.

               People will use your name to bless other people.

               I will bless those who bless you.

               I will curse those who curse you.

               I will use you to bless all the people on earth.


Is That A Promise or is That A Promise!


People with “The Spirit” have Power!


You want to be a 

“friend”, not a “foe”

of those who have received the promise!


God’s heart was thoroughly pleased with Abraham, due to the “Faith”, “Trust”, and “Reverence”that Abraham had shown to God.  God promised great blessings to Abraham and to “ALL” his seed.  


Thanks to Jesus, we who have accepted Him as our Lord and our Savior are now eligible to receive “The Promise”; for we are now the “seed” of Abraham.


Abraham obeyed God; and he did it with humility.


At the time God made this promise to Abraham, he was an old man without a son, the seed; so, Abraham asked God how this would be so as he and his wife both were past “normal childbearing age” and Abraham’s wife had never born a child. 



God said it, 

he believed “it”, he acted on that “belief” and God brought “it” to pass.


Abraham chose “Faith” over “Facts”.

Abraham chose “The Word” over “The World”.


The first step to receiving what God promises us is “To Obey”!

Obedience is required in order to receive the promise, it’s not an option.


The second step is “To Receive” what God has promised!

The Israelites 

were in the “desert” forty years, because they refused to receive the promise.


The third step is to “Be Thankful”!

Being Thankful is “evidence” of a reverent heart (mind) toward God.


Now God Is “With Us”!


When God 

is with us, we know that 

He is our “Partner” in Life, Therefore,

“No Weapon Formed Against Us Shall Prosper”!


Ask God 

to Bless you with

The “Faith” of Abraham, 

All Day Long

And Watch What Happens!



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