The Angry "Fool"!

 Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart (mind) of fools.


The Angry Fool


God said, 

Be Angry, But Sin Not. 

The Fool Sins Due To His Anger!


Two Types of Anger:

Righteous - It’s Okay with God.

Unrighteous - It’s not okay with God. 


Definition of A Fool:

         One who has rebelled against God.

         The word “fool” doesn’t signify a person that’s ignorant.


Characteristics of A Fool:

         Does not take sin seriously.

         Doing wrong is a joke to a fool.

         Foolish women destroy their households with their foolishness.

         Whoever utter slander is a fool.

         The way of a fool is always right in their own eyes.

         A fool despises his father’s instructions.


Our Daily Nugget is referencing unrighteous anger.  The righteous anger is pleasing to God.  Righteous anger leads us to do God’s Will.  Unrighteous anger leads us to do our will, which is sin and displeasing to God; this is one reason that it is so critical that we see ourselves the way God see us.


A Wise Prayer – Lord, bless me to see me the way you see me. 


Our anger is “never righteous” unless it is defending The Word.   Even with righteous anger we are not allowed to let it lead us to sin.  Unrighteous anger is “never” directed by the Holy Spirit, only by the demonic spirit.  Righteous anger is directed by the Holy Spirit.


The demons of anger, foolishness and greed walk with each other, and they are always looking for willing host: like an angry and foolish heart (mind), a discontented spirit, the revengeful heart, a heart that uses unequal weights and unequal measures (someone always ready to cheat someone, to cheat everyone), the heart that says what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is ours, the pride filled heart.


Anger, lodged in the heart (mind) of a fool,

will lead to the destruction of the “entity” that, “That Fool” is involved in.


A heart (mind) that Trust and Obey God’s Word (The Bible) is the best defense against unrighteous anger.  The demons that lead us to be unrighteous knows that a trusting and obedient heart (mind) is light, and the demons also knows that when the “light” comes that “it” (the darkness) must go.


The Word

tells us that, 

“None But The Righteous (Right Livers) Shall See God”.


Say to the demon of anger, 

“In Jesus Name, You Must Go Now!


Rejoice and Go Play 

In God’s Kingdom Here On Earth.

It is prepared for us to enjoy.

Jesus has paid it ALL!








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