To "Be Happy" and "Live Right"!

The Lord’s laws are right.  They make people “Happy”.  The Lord’s commands are good.  They show people the “Right Way To Live”.  (Psalms 19:8)


To “Be Happy” and “Live Right”!


We Can Be Happy and Live Right.  

We Cannot Live Wrong and Be Happy.


The Bible,

The Only “Instruction Manual” God Gave Mankind On How To

“Be Happy and Live Right”.


The Are Only Two Ways to Do Anything.

1.      God’s Way - The only Right Way, it’s found in The Bible.  The Word.

2.      Man’s Way - All Other Ways, they are found outside The Bible.  The World.  


God’s Way Leads to Light and Life. Happiness and Joy.

Man’s Way Leads to Darkness and Death.  Sin and Depression.


The Wage of Sin is “Still Death”; Jesus did not change that.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that:

1.      The Lord’s Laws are “Right”!  The Kingdom Citizen’s Paradigm, Standard.

2.      The Lord’s Laws make people “Happy”.  If the Lord’s Laws are reigning in 

your mind, you will not be “depressed”, nor will you “need” a dog.

3.      The Lord’s Commands are “Good”.  Oftentimes, what is “Good For Us” is

not good to us.  This is where Obedience and Trust are so critical.

4.      The Lord’s Laws show us “The Right Way” to live. 


Studying and Learning The Bible is critical to “Living Right”; it lets us know if we are living right or living wrong.  If The Bible is not the standard, then nothing else we can do will be right, even though it looks right, and we mean well.


When The Bible, The Light, is not guiding our living; any and everything else we do will be crippled by “the darkness”. Whenever The Light is Gone, darkness fills the void.  


When The Lord’s Laws are not Leading The Way.

1.      Sin becomes acceptable and practiced.

2.      Deception becomes the standard.

3.      Love of Money becomes our driving force.

4.      The way we “look” is more important than the way we “are”.

5.      People who say they are Christians “Look and Live Just Like The World”.

6.      Religion and tradition and our feelings become “Our god”.


What We “Believe” Will Show Itself In How We Live!

No way around it.

Jesus, The Word, The Bible - Our living shows what they mean to us.


Lifestyles that do not line up with The Bible, The Lord’s Laws, will not be allowed in The Kingdom.  Rather or not, we are allowed in The Kingdom is shown in how we live.  The way we live “cannot’” save.  The way we live, shows what we “believe”.  Salvation, saving power, is for those who believe.


Jesus is “The Door” to entering The Kingdom.

Those who practice “iniquity” will not be allowed in The Kingdom.

Jesus said to them “depart from me, you wicked people, I Never Knew You”.


Don’t Miss Out On God’s Salvation, 

Embrace the Lord’s Laws “Today” and Live.


Ask The Lord To Help You

And Watch What Happens.






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