Fear "Faced", Must "Flee"!

 Therefore, “Submit” to God.  “Resist” the devil, and he will “Flee from you”.  (James 4:7)


Fear "Faced", Must "Flee"!


After Jesus told the disciples that He had been given 

“All Power”, He Said;

Go Ye Therefore, and preach and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost and

“Lo, I Am “With” You Always”!


Our Daily Nugget Gives Us The “Order Of Victory”!


Submit – To Order Under.  We must order “self” “under” God. 

Resist – To Stand Against.  To act in “Opposition “; to oppose.

Flee – To run with rapidity.  As from danger.


Satan “Will Flee”, Because He Can’t Handle “The Light”!

We control the “Dimmer Switch”, 

which “Determines” how “Bright or Dim” The Light will be, “In Our Life”.

The more we “Focus” on The Word, the Brighter The Light Gets.


Satan is a “Defeated Foe”!

The Battle is not Ours but The Lord’s; Jesus Won The Battle On Calvary!

However, we must “submit to God” and “resist the devil”; then He will flee!


Whenever you see the word, therefore;

make sure that you know what it is there for.


The therefore, in Our Daily Nugget, is addressing verses one – six; James is explaining to the people and to us that the fights and quarrels among us comes from the “evil desires” (comes from the demonic spirits speaking to us) we have within us.  Read those verses, as it is important that we see ourselves the way the “God of The Bible” see us and not how the “god of our imagination” or the god of our religions and traditions, see us.


When we “Submit to God”, we “order our will” “under God’s Will”; basically we “die” to self.  Our “desires” will be pleasing to God because our desires will be based on “His Will” not “our will”.  Our will is demonic, God’s Will is “Divine”.


“Resist The Devil” – Jesus gives an excellent example of how to “Resist The Devil”.  Jesus used “The Word Only”, “The Bible”, to Resist the Devil with and this is what we are to use also, “Only”.  Jesus did not use what He “thought” or “felt”.  The Word caused the Devil to Flee.  Remember, “The Word” is a “Spiritual Weapon” for Kingdom Soldiers; It Is Our Sword.


“He Will Flee”.  This is a fact, that gives us the ability to “Exercise Sufficient Faith”, to Act and to React like Jesus in each and every situation we deal with throughout each day.  Let “Patience” Have Its “Perfect Work”! Trust, Knowledge, Obedience, Understanding, these are things which supports “Patience”. 


Remember, that God separated the

Light from the Darkness in the beginning and He has never put them back together.


When The Light comes, The Darkness Knows That It “Must” Go!

This “Process” Occurs In “The Physical World” and in the “Spiritual World”!

The Spiritual World Controls The Physical World.

Our “Thinking” Controls Our “Living”!


Our Victory Lies In Our Ability

To “Consume” and to “Utilize” “God’s Word” (The Bible), to 

“Direct Our Decision Making”!


God’s Word Is Enough!


Ask God to Bless You To;

“Submit” to Him (The Bible) and to “Resist” the Devil (Your Self),

And Watch What Happens! 




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