
If we “confess our sins”, He is faithful and just and will “Forgive” us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness (wrong living, sin).  (1 John 1:9)





Guilty As A Dog; Free As A Bird; 

“In Christ”!


Confess – Admit or state that one has committed a crime or is at fault in some way.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us that if we “Confess” our sins that God will forgive us.

Our Daily Nugget, 1 John 1:9 is “Only” available to the people who have committed Hearts (Minds) to “Living”, 1 John 1:7.  


1 John 1:7 says, But if we walk in “The Light”, as He is in “The Light”, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin.


To “Walk In The Light” means that we have committed hearts (minds) to “Right Living”, it means our motives are sincere when we say we have repented. God examines our “motives” for “sincerity and truth” and “lies”.  


Our Daily Nugget is not a license to sin as much as we like, and just say I sinned, forgive me; no, it is not a “get out of jail free card”; so that I can go commit the crime over and over and over and just keep saying I confess, I confess; no, it does not work like that.


Insincere Motives!


God tells us in The Bible concerning “Insincere Motives”; it says God is not mocked, meaning God is no fool, no one puts anything over on God.  We all will receive exactly in relation to “What We Sow”, “What We Do”.  What we do is the fruit of what we believe.


Let No One “Fool” You;

“If Our Minds Have Not Repented From Wrong Doing Based On The Bible, that

there is No Salvation Available for An “Unrepented Mind” Based On The Bible”.



We Clearly See in our Daily Nugget That God is 

“Faithful” and “Just” to “Forgive” us, “As We Walk In The Light”.

Are You Walking In The Light?


God does not forgive us, if we are planning to do that sin again.  Planning, preparing to sin some more, is “making provisions for the flesh”.  A Repented Mind “cannot” make provisions for the flesh.  A repented mind “has turned” from “planning” such things.  An “unrepented mind”, has not turned from sin and wrong doing.


Things will not go well for the individual

who tries to make a “fool” out of their Father!


There is No Right Way To Do Wrong!

No This: If you are not living 1 John 1:7; that 1 John 1:9 does not “apply” to you!


Ask God To Bless You With The Spirits Of:

“Sincerity” and “Truth”

And Watch What Happens!






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