
May the God of “Hope” fill you with all joy and peace in “believing”, so that by the Power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in “Hope”.  (Romans 15:13)




Hope Makes You “Feel Like Going On”!

How Does “Hope” Do This?

Hope is Trusting God!


Our Daily Nugget is A Prayer

Paul prayed to God for the Christians in Rome and for us.  

He addresses God as “The God of Hope”.

Paul is asking the God of Hope to fill us with all “joy” and “peace” in believing,

So that by the Power of “The Holy Spirit”, we may abound in Hope.

If we “believe” we can, we will; if we believe we can’t, we will not.


Hope: To “desire” something.  

To “trust” in, “wait” for, “look” for, or to “expect” something beneficial in the future.


The more we desire a thing, 

the more we command, demand, that thing into our lives.

Good or Bad.


It is not intelligent to 

“Hope For” or to “Think About” things you do not want to happen; this is Focus.

Our Life follows Our Focus.


To “Hope” for, or to desire something is Spiritual Activity; the spirit world controls the physical world.  To Hope is to fill our Thinking Process with the things we are hoping for or desiring to come to pass.        


When a human “desire” or “hope” for a thing; it is a command, a demand to the Spirit World to bring forth that which is desired or hoped for. 

Hope and Faith “Walks Together”.


The fact that we are made in the “Image Of God”, gives “Us” the “Ability To Create” through “desiring” and through “thinking”.  When we desire and think, that is a command, a demand to the Spirit World to “bring forth” that which we are desiring or thinking on.  We are creating life “all the time”.  To be made in the image of God is a “Real Big Deal”. 


We Must “Learn” To “Control” our “Thinking” and “Desiring”!


The Bible tells us in Philippians what to “Think On”.

Things that are “true”.

Things that are “honest”.

Things that are “just”.

Things that are “pure”.

Things that are of "good report".

Things that have "virtue".

Things that are "worthy of praise".


We can think on the things Paul instructs us to “Think On”, or we can “Think On” the opposite of each of these things.  To Think on “These Things” lead to life and light.  To Think on the “Opposite of These Things” lead darkness and death.


Solomon instructs us to be “Careful”, 

“How we Think”; for through our Thinking “We Set” the boundaries of life.

Learn what to “Desire” and how to “Think”.


Our Current Situation Today is the Fruit of our Thinking and Desiring yesterday.

We cannot “Change” the past; So, Don’t Try.

We can “Direct” the future; So, Try.


Ask God to Bless You With

The Ability To “Hear and Obey” The Holy Spirit;

That Your “Desires and Thinking” would always be Pleasing in His Sight,

And Watch What Happens.






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