Maturity through "Perseverance"!

Let “perseverance” finish its work so that you may be “mature” and “complete”, not lacking anything.  (James 1:4)


Maturity through “Perseverance”!


Quitters Never Win, and Winners Never Quit!


Perseverance means “being persistent despite the difficulties or delays we face".


It is very important to “mature”!

We do not issue driver licenses to seven-year-old children because they are not “mature” enough to handle the “responsibility” that comes with operating a motor vehicle.  If they attempted to drive at age seven, they would put a lot of other people lives at risk.  When the child reaches age sixteen or seventeen and “persevere” through the pre-licensing process, then, the child can go apply for a driver’s license.


The Bible tells us that we are to “test” new believers before giving them work.


When “Believers” 

“refuse” to allow themselves to go through the “process” of maturing through obedience to the Word, they will remain infantile (childlike).  A term that is often used by Christians who refuse to mature is, “we’ve got to grow into it”.  These people will be right there, spiritually, until they die, because they “refuse to persevere” to maturity.  They continue to live like the old creature.


A fifty-year-old man sucking on a pacifier and always carrying his favorite 

teddy bear, obviously has not matured and has some series issues.

Certain responsibilities should not be given to this man.


A man who has been a Christian for fifty years and has not matured in Right Living, appears to the world as a “hypocrite”, a pretender.

This man has not “persevered to maturity”.

Certain responsibilities should not be given to this man.


Focusing on “Our Feelings” will “Prevent Maturity”; as it stunts our 

Spiritual Growth.  The world needs “Matured Christians”;

To be “Light”!


“Patience” is a major ingredient in Perseverance!  Trust is a major ingredient in patience.  Trusting God to make it “all” right will give us the ability to “persevere”.

The scripture that instructs us to “Let Patience Have Its Perfect Work’

is instructing us to “Persevere”!


The devil’s job is to make us “feel” like we should not persevere any longer.

The devil does not want us to let patience have its perfect work.

When patience has its perfect work, 

God’s Will, will be done.


The Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Prayer is a way to resist the devil.

Jesus had to pray,

for perseverance to occur in His Life when he looked into his cup of suffering.


Maturity – The Finish Line of Perseverance! 


The Bible instruct us to “be ready for anything through prayer and thanksgiving”.

Nothing is too hard for God; therefore, we “wait” on Him to come.

We Persevere!


Ask God to Bless You To

Persevere, through the devil’s traps, to Maturity,

And Watch What Happens!


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