The Trap of "My Desires"!

You are tempted by the “evil things” you want.  Your own desires lead you away and trap you. (James 1:14)



The Trap of “My Desires”!


Our Daily Nugget is James

explaining to the people and to us that we are 

“tempted” by the evil things we want.  Wanting “evil things” create “evil desires”.

Wanting “righteous things” create “right desires”!


Anyone who wants “evil things” raise your hand!


Always keep in mind that Satan is the master of deception; therefore, he will appear as something nice and pleasant and beneficial, some thing that you want but it will not appear, at first, as an evil thing. 


What are “evil things”?

An evil thing or evil things may be the thoughts of evil men, their plans or their deeds, or the things men suffer for their own wrongs, or the evil consequent upon the errors of others.


Some Evil Things!

Do we seek to cause anyone hurt, harm, discomfort, pain, agony, etc.?

Do we do things to people that we would not want them to do to us?

Do we use the froward mouth (smart mouth) on people?

Do we use deception and manipulation to get our way?

Do we cheat people or are we fair and just?

Do we do “revenge” on people?

Are we or are we not evil?


God is no respecter of persons; evil is what evil does!

Everyone can be evil, no one has to be evil!

If we be evil, we will eat its fruit!

Along with our households.


To “want” evil things is the fruit of our thinking process; this means that we have been “considering, pondering” such things; this focus on wanting evil things will help to bring the evil things into our living.

Anger is very often a “motive” for us wanting to do evil things to people.  Anger is never an “acceptable” reason to God to do evil things to people; nor is there any good reason in God’s sight.


Remember Satan “hates” harmony with a passion.

Satan is always looking for a “willing host” to allow his demons to work through!

Keep “The Light of Love” “On Always”!

Darkness gives way to “The Light”!

Resist the devil and he will flee!


Keeping our minds stayed on Jesus,

is one of, if not, the best defense against “my own desires” leading me into a trap.

Jesus “Unlocks The Trap”!


What needless pain we bare, because we don’t take “It” to God and leave it there?


All parents love it when their children are

Healthy, Happy, and Whole; make your Father Happy with “Right Desires”!


Ask God to Bless You To

Detect and Defeat Satan on “Every Hand”.

Thus, saving you from “The Trap Of Your Own Desires”,

And Watch What Happens!


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