The "Word Knows"!

 The Word knows them that trust in Him.  Darkness shall pursue the enemies of the Word.  (Nahum 1:7&8)

The “Word Knows”!


The Word – God, Jesus, The Holy Spirit!


Our Daily Nugget 

is making it plain; we cannot pull a fast one, nor a slow one on God.  God knows our thoughts before we think them.  God knows today, what we will do tomorrow.  He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

God knows if we “trust” Him or not.


All of “life” has already been lived in Him!


Trust – To have confidence in.  To trust in the Lord means more than believing in who he is and what he says.  Having confidence in something means having an assurance that leads to “action”.  Trust in the Lord is a “faith” that lets us “boldly” serve.  Trust or the lack thereof, will show itself in our living.


Darkness – All that separates us from the light, God. All the things that separate us from God shall “pursue”, run after God’s enemies.


Enemy of Word – The world; to tempt God by casting himself off the pinnacle; the flesh; to turn stones into bread; and, the devil: to worship Satan.  All of these can be summed up as “idol worship”.  Love of money is big here.


Jesus said, if you “love” me, you will “obey” me.

Those who obey God are those who Trust God, without trust there is no obedience!

When we are not not trusting God, we are trusting self; which is the same same as trusting Satan.


The life we are living today

is the fruit of us trusting or not trusting God in our yesterdays!

The best insurance for a good tomorrow is a well-lived today!  The enemies of God will not live today well, because “darkness” will be “pursuing” them.



What does life look like when darkness is pursuing us?

When darkness is pursuing us, we will have no peace.  The scripture says there is no peace for the wicked.  Our households will be destroyed due to “foolishness”.  Doing wrong seems like we’re doing right.  Doing right will seem like we’re doing wrong. We will take no time to study the Word nor to take time to “fellowship” with God.  When we go to bed, we can’t wait until it is time to get up.  When we wake up, we can’t wait till it’s time to go to bed. 


Life will look like someone “Trying to Catch The Wind”.

Life is like walking with a rock in your shoe, at best!


To “trust” the Word, 

is to set our life on a path that will be “pleasing to God”.  When we please God, things will go well for us and our households.  When we displease God, things will not go well for us and for our household.


The Bible says, 

that our wanting to be friends of the World, makes us “enemies of God”.  

Kingdom Citizens are not to love the world nor anything in it.

We are to Love the Lord and our Neighbors!

Love is Doing, Action, not a Feeling!


Ask God to Bless You With A Spirit Guided By

“Sincerity, Truth and Trust”

And Watch What Happens!


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