One Heart, One Spirit, Per Person!

I will give you a “New Heart” and put a “New Spirit” in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26)

I will also put a new spirit in you “to change your way of thinking”.  I will take out the heart of stone from your body and give you a tender, human heart.  

(Ezekiel 36:26)


One Heart, One Spirit, Per Person!


We have an honest heart (mind) or a dishonest heart (mind).

We can’t have the heart (mind) of a thief and the heart (mind) of an honest person.

Light and darkness can’t occupy the same place at the same time.

We cannot love the Word and love the World.

Chose Ye This Day!


There is a saying, “you can’t have your cake and eat it to”!


Our Daily Nugget

is Ezekiel delivering a message to the people from God.  The people of Israel had broken God’s heart big time, by living like people who do not know Him.  Sin, sexual immorality, lying and all sorts of deception guided the people’s living; God decided to act and sent the people into captivity.


God is now telling the people that He was going to deliver them, physically from the captives.  God, in our Daily Nugget, goes on to tells us that He will give us a “New Heart (Mind) and a “New Spirit”.


The “old” is gone, the “new” has come!

Is the “old gone” in your heart (mind) or is the “old still there”?


The answer 

to this question lets us know if we will spend eternity in heaven or in hell.

Let no one deceive you 

we cannot live like an “unsaved” person and be a “saved person”.


New Creatures live like New Creatures, Old Creatures live like Old Creatures.


The people who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior “has been” given a New Heart (mind) and a New Spirit (Way of Thinking).  The new heart and new spirit will lead us into a “New Way of Living”.

Our original heart and spirit were horrible.  The Bible say that we are born in sin and shaped in iniquity; none of us is any good in our nature state.  This is one main reason for us to never act or react on what we think or feel.  Our natural state is always in opposition to our New Heart and New Spirit.


The Holy Spirit

communicates with the New Heart and with the New Spirit.  We will never be able to hear and obey the Holy Spirit if the Old Creature is still directing our “Thinking”; if the old creature is directing our thinking, then the old creature is directing our living.


To obey or disobey has nothing to do with how strong or weak we are; none of us are strong enough, we all are too weak.  It is about surrendering our will for God’s will, our way for God’s Way.


The Heart (mind) of a thief, 

cannot dwell in the Heart (mind) of an honest person!


“One Heart, One Spirit, Per Person”!


Ask God To Bless You 

To Come In Through The Door of Jesus, With Your New Heart and New Spirit,

And Watch What Happens!


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