When Death Flees!

They said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us.  Hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne.  Hide us from the anger of the Lamb!  The great day for their anger has come.  No one can stand against it.”  (Revelation 6:16&17)


When Death Flees!


Death Flees From Us When Death Is Better To Us Than Life!


God is long-suffering with us, but God is not forever suffering with us.

We all must stand before God to give an account.

Time will come to an end.


In our Daily Nugget

time has come to an end.  God is now passing judgement on the people.  The judgement, the punishment due to the sin and disobedience of the people, is now taking place.  The people were seeking death because death was better than life. They hid in the mountains and among the rocks; they literally wanted the mountains and the rocks to fall on them and kill them; at least this way through death they would escape the wrath of God.


The people had allowed themselves to be 

“consumed with sin and the world”; 

they were not consumed with God’s Word and God’s Work.


The Bible tells us that God is slow in His punishment because He is giving us an opportunity to repent.


Sin Gets Ripe through continued and increased sin.

Sin is pleasing to the sinner until it gets ripe, and death comes.


The Process or Steps To Death:

1.    You are tempted by the evil things you want.

2.    Your own desire leads you away and traps you.

3.    You desire grows inside you until it results in sin.

4.    Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in the death.

A repented mind (heart) stops this process at any step!


Death loves to see people sin and disobey God!

Death loves to see people in pain, turmoil, discomfort, anguish, no peace; 

this situation can be so great until the people prefer death over life.

Death will flee, so that the suffering will continue.


The people who were seeking death, were no longer concerned about the things of the world, that they loved, which lead them to receive the wrath of God.  What the world, Satan offers is like fool’s gold. It looks like the real thing, but it has no value.


Refusing to love the world and the things in it will prevent us from receiving this type of wrath from God.  The wage of sin is still death; Jesus did not change that.


From the beginning God has given us a “choice”.

That “choice” still exists for us today.

The choice is life or death, right or wrong, God’s Way or the World’s Way.


The Bible tells us that there is a way which “seems right”, 

but it will lead to death!


A “desire” to live Holy will lead us to “Live a Life of Love”!


Ask God to Bless You To “Live A Life of Love”,

this will keep us on the right path, so that we will never ask the rocks to fall on us,

And Watch What Happens!


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