Blessings or Cruses - Which are Chasing You?

Curses chase sinners, while blessings chase the righteous.  (Proverbs 13:21)


Blessings or Cruses – Which are Chasing You?


We decide if we will be “chased” by Blessings or Cruses.

We all “want to be blessed, and no one “wants to be accursed”.

The fact is we all will be blessed or cursed, based on our “actions or inactions”.” 


Our Daily Nugget

makes it about as plain as it can be made.

Blessings will chase you down in life if you have a “committed” heart (mind) toward righteousness, obedience to God’s Word, The Bible.

Curses will chase you down in life if you have a “committed” heart (mind) toward unrighteousness, disobedience to God’s Word, The Bible.


Curse - To injure; to subject to evil; to vex, harass or torment with great calamities. 

Sinner – A person who refuses to accept God’s salvation and refuses to repent.

Chase - Pursue to catch or catch up with. Drive or cause to go in a specified direction.

Righteous – The quality of being right in the eyes of God, according to the Bible.


We all were “born in sin”.

We all “commit sin”.

We all “are not” sinners.


Sinners “refuse” to “repent” and have chosen to “continue” in the lifestyle of the “fallen creature”; the one that “was” born in sin and shaped in iniquity.  When we accept Jesus, God exchanges our unrighteousness for His Righteousness, the sin laid upon all people from Adam is paid to Justice.


When we say, we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and “continue” to live the way we lived before we said we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Bible say, “we lied” and curses will “chase” us.


What Does Life Look Like When Curses are “chasing” a Person?

For the wicked – They have no peace.

For the greedy – Their pockets will have holes in them.

For the selfish – They will never have enough.

For the one who refuses to repent – Eternity in hell with Satan.

It is “not” okay to live a life of sin.


What Does Life Look Like When “blessings” are chasing a person?

For the righteous – Light gets brighter and brighter in their life.

For the giver – God will give back to them, multiplied.

For the unselfish – They will have more than is needed.

For the one who repents – Eternity with God and power over the sin-filled self.

None but the “righteous” (right livers) shall see God.


To Repent means to turn from the current direction to a whole new direction!


Since you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, 

are you a “New Creature”?  The answer will show itself in our living.  Let no one deceive you, New Creatures will live like New Creatures, 

Old Creatures will live like Old Creatures.

Go With the Bible!


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom to Live a Life of


that “Blessings” will “Chase” you and your household, instead of “Cruses”, and Watch What Happens!


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