Be Slow To Speak!

“Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.”  Therefore, put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted Word, which is able to save your souls. (James 1:19-21)



Be Slow To Speak! 


Why or Why Not?


To be “slow to speak”, gives us time to pray for a correct 

response and to give the Holy Spirit time to speak to us to show us the way.


James is admonishing us to be

“Doers of the Word and not Hears Only, Deceiving Ourselves”!

This is like a person saying, I believe, I just don’t do what I Say I Believe.

Jesus said, if you Love Me, you will Obey Me.

To Believe is to Obey.


To be a “Doer of the Word” is to “Receive the Word”.

To refuse to be a “Doer of the Word” is to “Reject the Word”.

Let no one deceive you, including yourself.


In Chapter One and throughout the Book of James is all about “Wisdom”.  How Kingdom Citizens are to “Live, according to the Bible”.  The people wanted to cling to their “old nature”.  Their traditions and religions.


The old nature, controlled by demons, tell us that it is best to “out talk”, and to “over talk people”, especially when you know, and you know that they know, that you are wrong.  This is a serious case of pride and indicates an inferiority complex.


If this mental state is not handled correctly in the Thinking Process, then 

 we will obey the demon of pride and go right into the fall, that pride leads us into.


The Mouth Speaks What The Heart/Mind is “Full Of”.

The Slower we speak, the less corrupt communication come out of our mouths.

Obedience to our Daily Nugget is wisdom.


Obedience to our Daily Nugget is a sign of intelligence.

Intelligent people “think” before they speak; what they say is then more persuasive. 

(Proverbs 16:23)


Foolishness is bound in the abundance of words.

Speaking too fast is a sign of foolishness and disobedience!

The more we talk, the sooner we are to say something wrong.

The Bible says, foolish people, tell everyone that they are foolish.


Be Slow to Speak - Why or Why Not?


Our Words have “creative ability”, they lead people to life or death.  Some people will be 

   led to Jesus by our words and some people will be led to Satan by our Words.  We will

            have to give an account to God for “The Words we Spoke” here on earth.

               Honor God by giving the Holy Spirit “time” to tell you what to say”.


Our Words “bring” life or death to our households.

Our Words “clothes” our children in wisdom or in foolishness.
Our Words tell everyone else, “What Our Heart/Mind” is “Filled With”!


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom to Be

“Slow to Speak and Quick to Listen”

And Watch What Happens!


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