The Blessings In "Caring"!

                                                          The Blessings In “Caring”!


When “We Care” For Others, “God Cares” For Us!

Whatever we do for others, is coming back to us, multiplied, looking like itself.


Blessed are those who have “regard” for the “weak”; the Lord delivers them in times of trouble.  The Lord protects and preserves them-they are counted among the blessed in the land-He does not give them over to their foes.  The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their illness. (Psalms 41:1-3)


Regard – To consider or think of (someone or something) in a specified way. 

Weak – Lacking the power to perform.


God is “always” addressing the “needs of the weak”!

We, Kingdom Citizens, Ambassadors of I Am, “must” be 

about addressing the needs of the weak, this is picking up where Jesus left off.


Jesus’ Purpose  was to “Seek and Save” the Lost!

God’s Goal is for the “Strengthened Brother” to “Go Get His Brother” and

 “Take Him To The King”!


God is “Love”, to “Care” is to show that “The Holy Spirit” is guiding our Thinking Process, our “Heart/mind” and leading us to “do”, “care for” one another.  This is how God provides for us all, it is the Holy Spirit working through us.


Our Daily Nugget is telling us that:

1.    We will be blessed, happy, when we care for the weak, those lacking.

2.    The Lord will “protect and preserve” them, their foes will not defeat them, the Lord promises to heal them of sicknesses. 


If a Selfish Spirit is guiding my “heart/mind” then my love for the world will prevent me from caring for you.  When I chose not to care for you, because I love my stuff too much to care for you, the Lord does not protect and preserve me, nor will He protect me from my foes.


God is a God of “equal measures and equal weights”,

his Love directed toward us is in direct relation to our Love directed toward others.

Why Should God Care For Us When We Are Too Selfish To Care For Others?

Earnestly, ask ourselves, “not including spouse, children, parents,”

“Do I ‘Care’ For Anyone?  Even atheist care for these people.

“This caring has nothing to do with Jesus”.

Maybe that’s why, we are “So Sick” and “Never Get Well”!

Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that this is a great possibility.


If we do not care for others, we will never experience the “Blessings” that God Gives to us when “We Care” for others the way we care for ourselves.  God deposits His Asset with different people, so that His Holy Spirit can direct us to “care” for others.  The Holy Spirit knows what I have, and He knows what you need.


The Holy Spirit will tell me to “do this or that” for you; if I am “walking” in the light (living according to the Bible), then I will hear and obey the Holy Spirit and give to you or supply your need.  Now that I did that, God says, I will care for you.  I will keep you healthy, when sickness comes to you, I will tell it that they must go.  I will not allow your foes to defeat you.


This is “Right Living”!

The Bible says, when we live right, we can ask what we will, and God will give it!

The Prayers of the “Righteous” (Right Livers) Avail Much!


Ask God to Bless You With The Wisdom

“To Care for Others, the Way You Would Want Them To Care For You”, and

Watch What Happens!


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