Do They Know?

                                                                 Do They Know? 

They will “Know” we are Christians by “Our Love”!  

If it ain’t Love its Noise. Noise lets them know we "are not" Christians”!


A new commandment I give to you, that you “love one another”: “Just As I Have ‘Loved’ You”, you also “are to love one another”.  By “this” everyone will know that you are My disciples if you have Love and Unselfish Concern for one another. (John 13:34&35)


In our Daily Nugget,

Jesus had just washed all the disciples’ feet; he dismissed Judas from the group.

Then He started telling them about the New Commandment of Loving One Another. The old commandment was to Obey the Law; the New Commandment that Jesus brought was for us to “Love One Another, The Way, He Loved Us”.   


How Did Jesus “Love Us”?  How Is Your “Love Life”?  “Love is Doing”!

Love is “Being the Church”!  When I was hungry you feed me, when I was sick you came and comforted me, when I was in prison you came and visited me, when I had no home you invited me into your home, when I was old and had no one to care for me your cared for me.  


This is “How” Jesus Loved us, and this is how we are to “Love One Another”!


Loving one another does not “save us”, Loving one another is “evidence, the way the World knows” that we are “Saved Christians”.  When we Christians love one another, this will be light and life for a dark world that “Loves to be Selfish”,  and   “Loves to Get Mo”, at all costs.


Selfish People Cannot Love!

The Demon of Selfishness, “Will Not” Permit its Host to Love!


Ask God to Bless You To Love Others “The Way”, He Loved You.  

This is “Resisting the Devil”, According to the Bible, 

He Must Flee.  Now Watch What Happens!

“Now They Know!


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