God's Children Stand Up!

                                                        God’s Children Stand Up!


Those are God’s Children!  Those are God’s Children?


Dear friends, now we are “Children of God”, and what we will be has not yet been made known.  (1 John 3:2)

The field is the world, and the good seed is the “Sons of the Kingdom”.  The weeds are the “Sons of the evil one”.  (Matthew 13:38)


We are Kingdom Citizens, or we are not Kingdom Citizens!


Jesus said, “Be ye Hot or Cold for Me”; there is no middle ground between hot or cold, that has Salvation.  The “lukewarm” Jesus said, He would spit them out of His Mouth.  Hypocrites are “lukewarm”; they say one thing and do another, pretenders.


If you do not Love the Lord with all your heart/mind, and soul, and if you do not Love your neighbor as you Love yourself, “You Know It”, “Repent Today”!

Love is “Doing”; Love is Not Lukewarm!


The world has heard what Jesus is like and that God’s Children should be “Like Jesus”.  When people “who say” they are God’s Children “Live” like the Devil’s Children, the world rejects them and their message due to their hypocrisy.  This should greatly concern “Every Kingdom Citizen”.  The world should watch people who say they are Christians, for we should Be Living like God’s Children.  


We have been commanded to “Keep Ourselves Unspotted from The World”.  This means, “we must be careful how we ‘Live’ among people”.  Eating meat is not a sin, but if my eating meat causes you to sin, I should not eat meat “in front of you”; but then I should also proceed to teach you that eating meat is not a sin.  This is Love.


The subtitle of our Daily Nugget is two, 

one is a statement, and one is a question.  Both are based on what the child “Does”.

God’s Children “Does” Love.  The Devil’s Children “Does Not Do” Love.

What both children do or don’t do are guided by the Spirit, 

guiding their Thinking Process, their heart/mind.


Ask God to Bless You To 

“Live a Life of Love”, Love is Doing, as this is “The Life of A Child of God’s”,

And Watch What Happens!


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