Count It All Joy!

                                                                     Count It All Joy!


The Shield of Faith is Required to “Count it All Joy”!


Count it “All” joy, my brothers, when you meet “trials of various kinds”.  

(James 1:2)


We Live by Faith and not by Sight!

A wise prayer: Lord bless me to obey this scripture.

Obedience to Our Daily Nugget brings with it “Great Reward”.

The “world’s way” is to be depressed and suicidal at trails of various kinds.

The Kingdom Citizen’s Way is to “Count Each and Every Trial” as “Pure Joy”! 


Love (Obey) The Lord, The Bible, and “Everything” Will Benefit You! 

How “We Count It” (Faith) has nothing to do with “How It Look or Is” (Sight)!


This scripture will not work for us if our heart/mind has chosen to yield to the temptations of the world; it will only work for those who “Love (Obey) the Lord”.

There is no way around it.  We can never get to right by going wrong!


What is the Command that we are to Obey?

“To Love”!

Do “For Me and To Me” what you would like me to “Do To You and For You”!

“That’s Love”!


The “Application of this Scripture” to Each Event in our Day, will “Fill” us with joy, confidence, happiness, faithfulness, wisdom, fearlessness with humility, as bold as a lion, but as humble as a lamb, etc.  This is the type of things that happens to us Kingdom Citizens when we “Count It All Joy”.  Try it, you’ll Like It.


To “Count It ‘All’ Joy” is evidence that Great Faith has Total Control of our Heart/Mind, our Thinking Process.  This Thinking creates our thoughts, our thoughts are the beginning of the things we do and don’t do. The more this occurs, the more we will walk like, look like, talk like, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  


Practice makes “Perfect”!


Ask God to Bless You With the 

Awareness and Wisdom to Count It (Everything) “All Joy”, in Jesus Name,

And Watch What Happens!


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