Mortify Your Members!

                                                                Mortify Your Members!


New Creatures Mortify, “Subdue”, “Put to Death”, their Bodies!


When Christ, “who is our life”, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him, in glory.  “Mortify” therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is “idolatry” (the worship of false gods).  But now ye also put off all these things; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication put out of your mouth.  (Colossians 3:4,5,&8)


New Life “Must Mean” New Living!

The Goal is “To Walk, Live” Worthy of The Lord!

If you know that you are not walking, living, worthy of the Lord,

“Repent Today” and Receive the Salvation from the power of sin that Jesus Gives!


Mortify – To “put to death” or “take away”.  “Subdue” the body or its needs and desires by self-denial or discipline.  (This is within the Christian’s Ability).


Our Daily Nugget is letting us know that we Can and Must Live Holy, like Saved People.  We are not just saved from going to hell when we die, we are also saved from “Living like the devil before we die”.  Living like the devil is living by the “world’s standards” instead of Living by the “Word’s Standards”, The Bible. 


Concerning sin, we’d say, the “Lord knows we weak and ain’t nobody perfect”, this is what the world says, including people who attends Church.  The Word says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I can mortify (subdue) the members of my body to obedience”, including people who attends Church.


The Salvation that Jesus Offers is also Salvation from the Power of Sin!

Our mouths will speak what we have filled our heart/minds with!

We will have Jesus, or we will have the world.

We Cannot have Jesus and the world.

The ‘lukewarm” are not saved!


Ask God to Bless You with the Desire and the Wisdom to

Mortify Your Members And

Watch What Happens!


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