Pay Attention to God's Words!

                                                     Pay Attention to God’s Words!


They Chose to Pay no Attention to God’s Words!


I will pursue them with the sword, famine, and pestilence, and will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, a terror, a hissing, and a reproach among all the nations where I have driven them, because they “did not pay attention” to “My Words”, declares the Lord, that I persistently sent to you by my servants the prophets, but “you would not listen”, declares the Lord. 

(Jeremiah 29:18&19)


The “Arrogant & Pride-filled Spirit” says 

“I Am My Own Lord”, “I Pay Attention to My Own Words”!


Our Daily Nugget is

“The Destiny of The Disobedient”!  The Wage of Sin is Still Death!

No matter how common sinning is among God’s people, the wage has not changed!


God gave us His Words for a reason; it is Great Foolishness to Pay No Attention to God’s Words.  When our father tells us to do something, he means for us to do that, so it is with God.  God is still serious about us obeying Him.


Observing the lifestyle of people who say they are Christians and observing the lifestyle of people who say they are not Christians; it is too often the same.  God is letting us know that He will pursue with the sword, and famine and pestilence, the ones who pay no attention to His Words, found in the Bible.


“Obedience” is paying attention to God’s Words; “disobedience” is refusing to pay attention to God’s Words.  If we never Study God’s Word, we will never know God’s Words.  We are held responsible even if we refuse to obey the command to Study.


Many of us are being “Pursued by God Today”, through sickness, no peace, no joy, etc., for our refusing to pay attention to His Words in our yesterdays.  God is not mocked; we reap what we sow.  If we sow in the flesh (pay no attention to God’s Word) we reap death; if we sow in the Spirit (pay attention to God’s Word) we  reap life.  This death and life extend to our households.


The Hand of God Upon Us, can be “A Friend or A Foe”, We Decide!


Ask God to Bless You with The Wisdom to

Hear and Obey, to Pay Attention To, His Words and Watch What Happens!


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