A Call to Holiness.

                                                                   A Call to Holiness.


Is a Call to “Prepare” Oneself For Action!


Therefore “grid up the lions of your mind”, be sober, and “rest your hope” “fully” upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; as obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the “former lusts”, as in your ignorance; but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in your conduct, because it is written, “Be Holy, for I Am Holy”.  (1 Peter 1:13-16) 


Jesus said, “Be Ye Holy, for I Am Holy”!


Our Daily Nugget is telling the people and us that God, through Jesus, has given us everything we need to complete the work of God and Jesus through us.  Since God and Jesus has done these things; “Therefore” our job is to “grid up the lions of our mind”.  This means that we must learn “To Control our Thinking Process”, our hearts/minds.


To “Be Holy” is not the same as to “To Be Perfect”!

Jesus was the only Holy One in the since of being Perfect.  Our Being “Holy” starts in our Thinking.  Right Thinking leads to Holy Living, wrong Thinking leads to Unholy Living.  To “rest our hope” means to “stay focused on” the “grace” brought to us by Jesus.  Our Living or our dying will follow our Focus.


Right Thinking leads to Right Living!

Jesus “has” paid it all, all to Him I Owe!  This is Right Thinking!

Right Thinking is “I am a New Creature”, I no longer live by the “world’s standards”; the “former lusts”.  I now keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, I no longer love the world nor the things in it; I still utilize those things, but I “no longer love them”.


We are Ambassador and Soldiers for Jesus the Christ, we must be “sober”, “alert”, to deliver God’s Message and to Fight for Him.  This will keep us safe from the world’s influence.  God has given us Kingdom Citizens Weapons of War we use, like righteousness, (right living) to both, defend ourselves with and to attack with; He gives us Faith, to defeat every effort of the wicked one against us.


We Control What We Think, “Then”, What We Think Controls Us!


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to

“Think Right” for this thinking right leads to “Living Right”, And

Watch What Happens!


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