Adversity - Affliction!

                                                            Adversity – Affliction! 


Why Me?  Due to Your “Disobedience and Sin”!


And though the “Lord Give You” the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your Teacher will not hide himself anymore, but your eyes shall see your Teacher.  And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or to the left.  (Isaiah 30:20-21)


Our God is a “Good Father”!

He Knows and Acts accordingly that, “To Spare the Rod is to ‘ruin’ the child”!

A Good Father will utilize the “Rod of Correction”; some calls it “corporal punishment”; God calls it “Love”!  For a father to refuse to utilize the Rod of Correction is worse than corporal punishment, it’s disobedience to the Bible, which is sin.


The Bible says, “mischief is bound in the heart/mind of a child”, but

“The Rod of Correction” will drive it far from them.  Mischief is a very bad thing.


Our Daily Nugget

is Isaiah explaining to the people why they were going through their dilemmas, their adversity, their affliction; it was God “whipping them”, like Fathers do and after the whipping, the Love, the direction, the protection.  For children to “learn” to live between the lines of life, God instructs the parents to utilize adversity, affliction, to “teach” them to “Live Right”; to “Love the Lord and to Love their neighbor as they Love themselves.


Children will “Do Right”, for a good while at least and some forever, after a good whipping; they will now be able to better resist the demonic spirit that led them to do wrong and Obey the Holy Spirit as He tells them that “this is the way, follow it”!


Our “Living Right, according to the “Bible” is the “Most Important Thing to God”!


Adversity, Affliction, Are Terrible Things to Waste!

Great Witness come out of our Adversity and our Affliction! 


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