Are You A Christian? I'm Spiritual!

                                                Are You a Christian?  I’m Spiritual!


Okay!  What Does That Mean?  Can Being Spiritual “Save”?  No!


If you “declare” with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and “believe” in your heart (mind) that God raised him from the dead, “you will be saved”.  For it is with your heart (mind) that you “believe” and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you “profess” your faith and are saved.  (Romans 10:9&10)


Satan is also Spiritual.

The Saved and the Unsaved are Spiritual!

When people say this, do they really know what they are saying? “Ask Them”!

In your conversations with people, if you were to ask them; “are you a Christian”?  Oftentimes the answer is “I’m Spiritual”.  Ask them, what does that mean? To be Spiritual and a Christian are not necessarily the same. 


Who is a Christian? – A follower of Jesus the Christ!

Christians are the same all over the world, regardless of their religion or tradition!

The life of the Christians is guided and is directed by the Bible and the Holy Spirit!


What does it mean to be spiritual? – Spirituality involves the recognition of a “feeling” or “sense” of belief that there is “something” greater than myself, something more to being human than sensory experience, and that the greater whole of which we are  part is cosmic or divine in nature.  (Quote from online, can’t save.)


This is not a Christian; this is a person that God has brought you into their life, to do your part in leading them to Jesus.  If you ask a person if they are a Christian and they answer I’m Spiritual; before you respond to them, “ask” the Holy Spirit to give you the “Right Words” to lead them to Him, introduce them to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.


Always Remember we are “Ambassadors and Soldiers for Jesus”.

All our waken moments, we need to remind our selves of this fact, we never know who or when God will bring people into our lives that need us to “Direct them to Him”.  Salvation is the saving of people from sin and its consequences, by Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.


Ask God to Bless You with the Wisdom to 

“Let Him Use You All Day Today, In Leading the Lost to Him,”

And Watch What Happens.


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