The Secret to Living Holy.

                                                              The Secret to Living Holy.


“Walk – Live”, by the Holy Spirit!


But I say, walk (live) by the Spirit, and you “will not” gratify (obey) the desires of the flesh.  (Galatians 5:16) 


Just as sure as water flows downhill, 

we will “Walk After Whatever” we focus our “Thinking On”.

We Will Walk, Live, based on what we have Filled Our Minds With.


How to Walk – Live by the Spirit?

Be careful “what you think”, because your “thoughts run your life”.  Don’t use your mouth to tell lies; don’t ever “say” things that are not true.  Keep your eyes focused on what is “right”, and “look straight ahead to what is good.  (Proverbs 4:23-25)

Indeed, our living will follow our Thinking.



we control “What we Think”, then, “What we Think”, controls us.


God has designed a beautiful life for people; “If” we live it according to His Instruction Manual, The Bible.  The Spirit’s leading will always be in accord with the Bible.  The Bible instructs us to “Commit our works unto the Lord, ‘then’ our thoughts will be established, made plan”.  Our thoughts are the beginning of the things we do and don’t do.   

                  To create the right thoughts is a guarantee we will do the Right Thing.


The Spirit knows “Our Desires”.


We create our problems through wrong thinking, which creates wrong thoughts; our thoughts are the beginning of the things we do and don’t do.  God holds us responsible for doing right and for doing wrong.  He blesses or curses accordingly.  The Bible lets us know if we are doing right or doing wrong.  


Religions and traditions may or may not line up with The Bible; remember, they are manmade rules and regulations; not to say they are bad, but “They Are Not The Bible”. We are responsible to God for obedience to The Bible; Jesus is not going to ask how we did in obedience to our religions and traditions.


Ask God to Bless You With the Wisdom To

“Think Right”, as this is how we are able to “Walk Right”,

And Watch What Happens!


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