A "Sincere" "Brotherly Love"!

                                                      A “Sincere” “Brotherly Love”!


If It Ain’t Love, It’s Just Noise.


You were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth, so now you must show “sincere” love to each other as brothers and sisters.  Love each other deeply with all your heart (mind).  (1 Peter 1:22)


Since we can’t fool God; why not “Be Sincere”?


Sincerity – Free from pretense, deceit, hypocrisy.

Sincerity – Eagerness to do what is right, with transparent motives.


Our Daily Nugget

is Peter, letting us know that as New Creatures, Kingdom Citizens, that we are to be “sincere” in our actions toward one another.  He is telling them that the way of deception, pretense, hypocrisy, was the way of their forefathers, which was against God and a way that they must turn away from. 


Brotherly Love is Just & Fair!


Being insincere and deceptive is our “natural fallen state”.  Jesus is calling us to “repent” and “be saved”.  We either repent and be saved or we do not repent and are not saved.  Salvation or the lack thereof “will show itself” in our living.  We cannot fake love good enough to get by God with an insincere spirit guiding us.


We must always remind ourselves that we “were cleansed from our sins” and we should not be like the hog that was cleaned up and before you know it, he went straight back to the mud, his natural state.  The hog was not sincere.


Faith and Trust in God will keep us with the confidence to be “sincere”.  To be insincere is our way of telling God that I will trust a lie, deception, Satan, instead of trusting truth, honesty and “You (God)”.  It is not a good idea for us to tell God that we do not trust Him. Every time we are insincere, we are telling God, “I don’t Trust You”; I Trust My Deceptive Spirit.  How do you think God will respond to that?


God is so high till we can’t go over Him, He is so wide we can’t go around Him, He’s so low, till we can’t go under Him.  Ask God to Bless You with the wisdom to

“Come in at the Door of Love”; otherwise, it is “Just Noise”.  Noise can’t save.


Trust “Sincerity and Truth” and Watch What Happens!


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