The Alpha and The Omega!

                                                        The Alpha and The Omega!


All Things are Known by:

“The First And The Last”; The “Beginning And the End”!


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End, the First and the Last.  (Revelation 22:13)

Dearly beloved, do not be ignorant of this one thing: that one day is as a thousand years with the Lord, and a thousand years is as one day.  (2 Peter 3:8)


The First and the Last “Being One”,

Know Everything about All that is “In Between”!

If God Were Not the First “And” the Last, How Could He Be God?

Let this Truth, that is a Fact, “Move us to Trust God” for All Our Needs.


Our Daily Nuggets are written by John and Peter; they are both telling us that God is the first and the last, the beginning and the end of “All Things”.  They are telling us that God is not “slow” in administering His World; but that God is “patient” with us, giving us time to repent and be saved.


What does it mean to be The First “And” The Last?

Consider this; everything that has been done, is being done, and will be done, is “already completed within God”.  That which we shall do tomorrow, has already been done in God, the Beginning, and the End.  Time itself, was created by God and exist within God.  The Bible tells us that, “Time Shall Be No More”.


Let us therefore “Commit our works Unto Him”, He has Promised to Direct Our Paths; God knows every path for every person; and He Loves us.  God so Loved the World, that “He Gave His Only Son”.  Only His Son could provide what we needed; “One Without Spot or Wrinkle”.  His Son brought us Salvation from sin and Power over sin; therefore, don’t worry, be happy; enjoy God’s Kingdom on earth, Love.


God Has Got Us!  God’s Greatest Desire and our Greatest Need is to “Trust Him”!

The Bible says whatever you want ask God for it.  We all know how we are concerning our children; God is like that multiplied toward each of us.  His Holy Spirit is walking and talking with us, “showing us the way” to do right and the way to avoid wrong.  God knows what we want and need before we ask.


God has All Power, and it is Impossible for Him To “Let Us Down”!


Ask God to Bless You and Your Household

To Trust and Obey, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning, and the End, Always.

And Watch What Happens!


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