To "Know"!

                                                                       To “Know”!


To “Know Wrong”, one “Must Know Right”!


Study to show thyself “approved” unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, “rightly” dividing the “Word of Truth”.  (2 Timothy 2:15).


Too much is at stake to “Not Know”!

Our Daily Nugget is a command from God, failure to obey it is sin.

When was the “Last Time” you Studied the Bible to Know What You are to Do?


We can “rightly” divide the Word of Truth, or we can “wrongly” divide the Word of Truth. No one is born “Knowing Right”.  God’s Word, for us, is the Only Right Thing!  I Can’t Tell You What Is Wrong If I don’t Know What Is Right!  Feelings, Religions, Traditions, are not the Word, but manmade Rules and Regulations!


Studying, learning The Bible, “programs” our Thinking Process, our Heart/Mind, to  “Hear and Obey the Holy Spirit”.  When we study, we put God’s Word in our heart/mind, now when we are confronted with a dilemma the Holy Spirit will bring God’s Word to our remembrance; thereby “Showing us The Way”.


God’s Workers Must Be Approved.

Meaning well is not the same as being approved.

We can do our greatest damage when we “mean well”.

If The Lord were to ask you; why didn’t you Study, what would you say?


To live without knowing what God has said to do and not to do is “dangerous to ourselves and our households”.  Our words and our actions will lead to life or death for the hearers thereof.  Protect yourself and your household, “Study and Obey The Bible”.


When all else fails, “Read The Instructions”!

Before you do, all you can do; “Read The Instructions”!

We are held responsible, by God, for leading people the wrong way.


Ask God to Bless You with the Obedience and Wisdom to

“Study His Word” to “Rightly Divide It”,

And Watch What Happens!


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