


This is “The Day” To Accept God’s Salvation”.


And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died and was buried.  And “In Hell He Lift Up His Eyes” (He Woke Up), being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.  (Luke 16:22&23)


Wake Up Today, While It Is Day!

Woke – “Aware of” and “actively attentive” to “important facts and issues”.


The Bible says, “Giving to the poor is like lending to the Lord”; therefore, “Refusing to Give to the Poor is like Refusing to Give to The Lord”.  The Bible says, “It is Better to Give than to Receive”; it is Great Wisdom and Great Benefit to live in obedience to this scripture.  We all will stand before God to “Give an Accounting” to Him of our actions and inactions while on earth.  Imagine That, standing before God explaining why we did what we did.  We will not be able to lie or deceive Him.


We Will Understand “It” Better By And By, like the rich man, or we can understand it Today, while we have the Opportunity to Understand and Live It.  The rich man was too busy enjoying pleasure, riches, satisfying self, to understand; to Love Today.  He was not Loving the Lord, nor was he loving his neighbor; “He Was loving Self”.


Wake Up Today, While It Is Day.  When The Rich Man “Woke Up” it was “Too Late To Love”; it was Night.  This is the Day, Now is the Hour, to accept God’s Offer of Salvation.  Tomorrow is not promised to any of us.  Anything that was ever done was done on “A Today”.  Love the Lord and Love your Neighbor “Today”.


Tomorrow, really “never comes”!

Jesus needs us to Love Him Today.  The Bible says, if your neighbor asks you for something today, and you can give it today, don’t make your neighbor wait until tomorrow or later to give it.  What is going on in our Thinking Process that would lead us to do this.   Love your neighbor as you love yourself, “Today”.


The Rich Man was “Woke” concerning the things of the world, not the things of The Word.  There is “No Salvation” in the things of the world, only things of the Word.  The Word says, “Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”.  If you know that you do not Love your neighbor as you love yourself, “Repent Today and Be Saved”!


Obey The Word; be Woke to the Lord and your neighbors and Watch What Happens!


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