Decent Men.

                                                                    Decent Men.


Ten Decent Men Could Have Saved A City.


God said, If I find fifty “decent men” in the city of Sodom, I’ll spare the place just for them.  Abraham came back, “do I, a mere mortal made from a handful of dirt, dare open my mouth again to my master?  What if the fifty-fall short by five-would you destroy the city because of those missing five? ……. Don’t get angry, Master-this is the last time. What if you only come up with ten?  For the sake of only ten, I won’t destroy the city. When God finished talking with Abraham, he left.  And Abraham went home.  

(Genesis 18:26-33) 


                                                        Be One of the Ten!

Hold Up the Blood-Stained Banner 

When God looks at us, He look at us through the Blood of Jesus.

When God see us through the Blood of Jesus, He sees “Decent Men”.


Decent – “To Do” something honestly or to walk honestly.

Decent Men are not Liars, nor do they Cheat; they are fair and just.

Popularity is not an ingredient of a “Decent Man”, Love is the Ingredient.


Of Jesus’ Disciples, John and Peter was as different as night is from day, but they were both “Decent Men”.  The thing that made them both Decent Men were their “Love”.  They both “Loved the Lord and they both Loved Their Neighbors as they Loved themselves”.  Love must be “Doing”, not “feeling”, for us to qualify as “Decent”.  Remember, feelings are “just noise”, not “Love”.


What good is there in saying to a hungry man, be warmed and filled and don’t “give” him the things to warm him and to fill them?  This is not love, at best it is a feeling.  Feelings are not Love and they cannot save anybody or anything.  Feelings do not qualify a man as Decent.  It takes Love to Save from destruction.


Nobody should follow a “Indecent Man”.

The City is Waiting on Kingdom Citizens to be “Decent”!

Indecent men, by definition, are liars, they will cheat you and steal from you.


Commit Today to be a Decent Man, Committed to be “One of the Ten”,

And Watch What Happens!


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