


Never Correct Conceited People!


Never correct conceited people; they will hate (insult) you for it.  (Proverbs 9:8)

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.  Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.  (Philippians 2:3-4)


The conceited person will return evil for good.

The conceited heart/mind obeys the demonic spirits.

The conceited person would rather be wrong than to be corrected.


They will insult you and hate you and position themselves to be God’s Enemy; and cut themselves and their households short of many blessings.  Pride leads a person to be conceited; pride comes “Before The Fall”!  To be conceited is a great weakness.


Conceited – Wise with oneself.  In ones on opinion.


Solomon tells us to never correct conceited people.  The only thing one can do for a conceited person is to pray for them.  The conceited person is not humble but “Pride Filled” in their heart/mind; our mouths speak what our heart/minds are filled with.  This is why they are “insulting” instead of “Thankful” when they are corrected.  


The conceited person has no hope unless they repent.  Repentance “must” occur “Before Salvation” can happen.  Conceited people teach their children to be conceited, God holds us responsible for how we, parents, direct “His Children”.  God placed “His Children” in our care and custody to train them up for Him.


The Holy Spirit 

will never direct a person to be conceited; the demonic spirit does.

Every time we speak, we are led by the Holy Spirit or the demonic spirit.


To Love saves us from being Conceited.  The Lack of Love will lead us to be A Conceited Person.  We cannot Love our neighbors as we love ourselves and be conceited.  Love and conceit cannot occupy the same heart/mind at the same time.


Ask God to “Save” and “Deliver” 

us from a conceited spirit and watch the gladness and joy in us and our households.


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