Man's "Best Friend"!

                                                             Man’s “Best Friend”!


Jesus is “Man’s Best Friend”!


This is my commandment, that you love one another “as I have loved you”.  Greater love has no one than this “Than to Lay Down One’s Life For His Friends”.  You are my friends “If you do Whatever I Command You”.  (John 15:12-14)  


Jesus is our Best Friend, “IF”, We Do Whatever He Commands Us!


For the Kingdom Citizen who Loves; Jesus is Your Best Friend.  For the unsaved and the disobedient Jesus cannot be your best friend. There is a saying, a dog is man’s best friend; this saying came about because a dog will lay down his life for you.  This is also what “a friend” will do for you.


Jesus “Is” man’s “Best Friend” or man’s “Best Enemy”, “We Decide”!


Friend – They stand by your side when others would leave.  They care about us holistically and help us when life gets hard.  “Faithful” are the wounds of a friend;  profuse are the kisses of an enemy.  (Proverbs 27:6). The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.


Enemy – One who hates. The wicked.  To refuse to obey God makes God our enemy.  To be God’s enemy and to be hated by God is a “Real Problem” for you.  No other can deliver you out of God’s Hands.  Only a “Repented Heart/Mind” can deliver; the Bible says, God will not reject a repented heart/mind.


Real Friends “provides” Real Love; Real Love is Doing For Others!


Our Daily Nugget 

is letting us know that Jesus wants to be our Friend and what is required for that to occur. We “must” obey the commands of Jesus for Him to be our Friend.  Jesus commands us to Love, His Father, “with ‘all’ our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as we love our self".  We are to truly try and do the best we can.


To just say, “Jesus is faithful and just” and if I “confess” my sins to Him He will forgive me of my sins and to go on living in your sins is “proof” that you are trying to “Mock God”.  God is not mocked; we will reap what we sow.  Obedience is not an option for the Kingdom Citizen.  Sow love and obedience today.


Make Jesus Your Friend, 

Pray for the Wisdom to Love and Obey Him All Day and Watch What Happens!


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