The Froward Mouth!

                                                             The Froward Mouth!


A Heart/Mind Filled with Disdain and Jealousy!

Now the Jews’ Feast of Tabernacle was at hand.  “His (Jesus’) brothers therefore said to Him”.  Depart from here and go into Judea, that “Your Disciples” may see the works that “You Do”.  For no one does anything in secret, while he himself  “seeks to be known openly”.  “If” you do these things, reveal yourself to the world.  For even His brothers did not believe in Him.  (John 7:2-5)


When we say what we don’t mean and don’t mean what we say.

Today we call it “The Smart Mouth”; better stated “The Dumb Mouth”.

The froward mouth occurs when we fill our heart/mind, our Thinking Process, 

with bad raw materials, when we refuse to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.


There is nothing new under the sun.  Our Daily Nugget is a classic example of the “Froward Mouth”, generated by a “Spirit of Jealousy” filling their hearts/mind, and the mouth speaking what the heart/mind has been filled with.


In the chapter preceding our Daily Nugget Jesus had 1. Fed the Five Thousand. 2. Walked on water. 3. Jesus explained to the people that He was the Bread of Life.  The people were praising Jesus, big time.  His brothers saw all this and yielded to the temptation to be jealous, exercised through the froward mouth.  The brothers of Joseph were the same way; many brothers are like that today.  Joseph and Jesus were humble; the Lord lifts the Humble and Humbles the proud.


The froward mouth is one of the things God hates; right there with pride, arrogancy, evil and the evil way.  When God is using your brother to do a great work there are two responses: 1. Happy and Thankful.  2. Jealousy and Arrogance.


Our Life and our Death follows our Thinking.

Speaking with the froward mouth lets us know that our Thinking is “Out of Order”.

Jealousy, arrogance, the froward mouth, evil and the evil way all leads to death.  A heart/mind filled with “Love” will be Happy and Thankful for the other person.


Bad fruit, problems, pain, hurt, etc. occurs in our life when we exercise the froward mouth and refuse to be genuinely Happy for people.  To be jealous leads to death for yourself and for your household.  Don’t worry, nor be jealous, be Happy.


Ask God to Bless You to Love your neighbor as you love yourself, 

this will protect you from the “Froward Mouth”.


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