The Liar!

                                                                        The Liar!


God “Doesn’t” Walk with “The Liar”!


The cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murders and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all “liars”; these are the ones who “will find themselves” in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.  

(Revelation 21:8)


To be a “liar” is to “practice” deception and falsehood as a “lifestyle”.


Liar – To “practice” deceit, falsehood, and treachery either by word or action. 


Never Put your Faith and Trust in The Liar.

When the “truthful” person lies, they hate it and repent.

“A Liar”, by definition, is a Manipulator, a Deceiver, a “Enemy of God”!

To “Tell” a lie and to “Practice” lying as a “Lifestyle” are two different things.


God requires “Sincerity” and “Truth”.

Ponder as to “Why” God does not like the Liar.  Imagine two societies: one where people “practice” deceit and one where people “practice” truth.  Even in the society where people “practice truth”, there will be lies told.  


In a society where people “practice deceit”, there will not be harmony, joy, nor peace. God judges our heart/mind, this is where our “motives” are shown.  


A Liar finds comfort and security in lying, it is a protection for them.  We cannot depend on lies and the Holy Spirit at the same time.  We will place our faith, hope, and trust, either in Truth or Lies.  


Our actions, our deeds define us; for they are the “Fruit” of our Heart/Mind, our Thinking.  Our thinking leads to our thoughts, which are the beginning of the things we do, and don’t do, including telling lies or truth.  Do you want to deceive, or do you want to be honest?  God already knows.


The Liar “depend” on lies and deception to live.

To depend on lies to live is evidence we do not trust God.

We Teach our children “What We Are”.  God holds us responsible.


To Keep our heart/mind filled with 

God’s Word, the Bible, is Great Protection from the demon of lying.



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