There Is No Me Without You!

                                                    There Is No Me Without You!


“In You” I Put “My Hope”.


Apart from Me (Jesus), you can do nothing.  (John 15:5)


We Must “Be” and “Stay” Connected to Jesus!


Our Daily Nugget

is a Truth that we cannot afford to set aside; apart from Jesus, We Can-Do No-Good Thing.

If we do not embrace and live this Truth, we will become Pride Filled.  Pride will lead us to lose Hope; we cannot afford to lose Hope.


Hope – Is commonly used to mean a “wish”: its strength is the strength of the “Person’s Desire”.  But in the Bible “Hope” is the confident expectation of what God has promised and its strength is in “His Faithfulness”.


It is impossible for God to “Let Us Down”, “If” we have Hope.


We stay connected through a Right Heart/Mind; this is where our Hope Dwells.  Sometimes we, Kingdom Citizens can lose Hope.  The Bible tells us how to Get Hope to Return to us.


Yet “hope returns” when I “remember” this one thing:  The Lord’s unfailing love and mercy continue, Fresh as the morning, as Sure as the sunrise.  The Lord is all I have, and so “In Him I put My Hope”.  (Lamentations 3:21-24)


Through Hope, we stay connected to the “Vine”, Jesus.

The “Vine” supplies us with all we need to do our work as Kingdom Citizens.

With a heart/mind “apart” from Christ we can do nothing. With a heart/mind “Fixed” on Christ, we can do all things.  Our heart/mind is our Thinking Process”.  Solomon told us to be careful “What We Think”; for through our Thinking “we set” the boundaries of our Life.


Do not focus on your dilemmas.

Focus on the salvation to your dilemmas.

Our Living has no choice but to follow our Focus!

We will stay connected to Jesus if our heart/mind is Focused on the Word!

We will not stay connected to Jesus if our heart/mind is Focused on the World!


 Ask God to Bless you to Always Remember that there is No Me Without You,

                                                   And Watch What Happens.


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