Your Light is Needed!

                                                          Your Light is Needed!

Without “Your Light”, the World Cannot See!


For you were “once darkness”, but now you are “Light In The Lord”.  “Live” as children of “Light” (for the “Fruit of the Light” consists in all goodness, righteousness, and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord.  Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather “expose” them.  (Ephesians 5:8-11)


This is what the “Life of The Kingdom Citizen” looks like!


Our Daily Nugget

are making certain things plain:  1.  We were “once” in darkness, but now we are “Light in the Lord”.  2.  We are to “Live” as children of Light, not like children of darkness.  3.We are to “find out” what Pleases the Lord.  4.  We are to have nothing to do with dark deeds.  5.  We are to “expose” dark deeds (this is not judging).


The Light we have is for us and for others.

When you have been strengthened go, get your brother.

To say we are saved and live like we are not, cover up our light.

Through Love, You Let Your Light Shine, “For The World To See”!

We Let Our Light Shine when we Love the Lord and when we Love Our Neighbor.


We cannot Let Our Light Shine and Love the World; if we try, we will cling to one and forsake the other.  When the Light comes, the darkness must go.  Me only being concerned about my needs and me not being concerned about your needs is evidence that I am walking with the demon of selfishness and maybe greed.  Kingdom Citizens must live like they believe that it is “better to give than to receive”.


Expose - To bring to public notice; disclose; reveal.   To display for viewing, exhibit.


Selfishness and greed are deeds of darkness; we are to “expose” the dark deeds that we and others do.  This is not judging.  This is speaking the Truth in Love; it brings salvation, not damnation. This is how “iron sharpens iron”.  If we are concerned about how we “feel” we will not speak the Truth in Love to one another, “which is sin”, and leave each other in darkness, although we all “feel good”.  Love me “too much” to be concerned about my feelings, help me to “Be Right”.  Tell me what is Good For me, don’t worry about how I feel.  If I Be Right, I Will Feel Right.


Ask God to Bless You to:

Let His Light “Shine” through your “Living”, by “Loving Your Neighbor”!

Now Watch What Happens!


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