Courage to Love.

                                                                 Courage to Love.


Don’t Be Afraid of Their Faces.


For God has not given us a “Spirit” of fear and timidity, but of “Power”, “Love” and “Discipline”.  (2 Timothy 1:7)


The Spirit World controls The Physical World.


To have a spirit of fear and timidity is natural, we were born with it; it is part of our fallen nature.  When we become “Born Again”, we receive a New Spirit, He is called the Holy Spirit.  He is filled with Power and Love.  A spirit of fear and timidity cannot dwell in a heart/mind that has been “Born Again”.


The Holy Spirit Gives Us “The Courage to Love”, To Obey.

Jesus says to us, If you Love Me, you will Obey Me; to Obey is to Love.


God has given us the Holy Spirit.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are “One”; it’s called the Godhead.  The Holy Spirit “Lives In Us”; and is aware of Everything that occurs concerning us.  To be fearful and timid is evidence that the demonic spirit is controlling our Thinking Process; our heart/mind.


Kingdom Citizens are to be as bold as a lion, but as humble as a lamb.  To stand for the “Light of Love” in a “Dark” world requires “Courage”.  It is convenient to go along with the crowd, the majority; just remember, “the majority is normally wrong”.  It takes courage to stand against the crowd, the majority of the people. The Bible says, the road that leads to hell is wide and easy, there are many on that road.


One plus the Holy Spirit is a Majority!

Get use to walking one with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus had to walk like that at many times while He was on earth.  The world today is always challenging us Kingdom Citizens to walk in the World’s Way over God’s Way.  The way the world challenge us is through fear and timidity.  Always, think, that that is Satan speaking to us to follow him.


Prayer and Fasting will drive any demonic spirit away from us, they can’t stand the light. I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me!  Thinking like this is light and life; this thinking will drive all dark thinking away.


Ask God to Bless You With the

“Courage to Love” and Watch How Fear and Timidity Leave You.


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