Exercised "Faith".

                                                                 Exercised “Faith”.


Exercised Faith Releases “Power”!


For by grace given to me I say to everyone of you not to think more highly of yourself than you ought to “think”, but to “think” with sober discernment, as “God ‘has’ distributed to each of you” “A Measure of Faith”.  (Romans 12:3) 

Now Faith is the “assurance” of things hoped for, the “conviction” of things not seen.  (Hebrews 11:1)


God “Has” Given Us

“A Measure of Faith” that is “Sufficient” for us to “Carry Our Cross”.


In our Daily Nugget

we see that the central feature of Faith is “confidence” and “assurance”.  When we “Exercise our Faith”, “God Releases His Power”.  This is “Putting Faith to the Test”.  God doesn’t mind us putting Him to the test.  He even invites us to do it.


Faith – Is considered a belief and trust in God, based on evidence but without total



Before God laid the foundations of this world and created the first person, He knew the Measure of Faith that each person would need throughout our lives to successfully handle every situation correctly, that we are confronted with.  We all have the Measure of Faith we need.  Now we can “Walk on by Faith”. 


Look at Faith like a muscle, “The More We Exercise it the Stronger that Muscle Becomes”.  Faith is like putting God to the test, or better yet, looking with anticipation to see how He “Carries Me Through My Cross, This Time”.  I know He is going to carry me through my Cross, I’m just excited to see “How” He is going to do it “This Time”.


Kingdom Citizens Don’t Fear, “We Just Exercise Our Faith”!


The Bible tells us to “Count It All Joy”; because through Faith, we know that all the Things that Occur concerning us will “Work Together For The Good”.  This Faith causes us to Live Like Kingdom Citizens and no longer like a Worldly Citizen.  We become “Peculiar”, different from the Non-Kingdom Citizens.


Ask God to Bless You With the

“Assurance and Conviction” to “Always Exercise Your Measure Of Faith”,

And Watch What Happens.


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