The Son & Sun Rise.

                                                            The Son & Sun Rise.


The Son and the Sun Are Always “Faithful”!


Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge Him.  As surely as the sun rises, He will appear; “He Will Come” to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.  (Hosea 6:3)

Yet hope returns when I remember this one thing: The LORD’s unfailing love and mercy still continue, “Fresh as the Morning, As Sure as the Sunrise”.  

(Lamentations 3:21-24)


Never Hurry, Never Worry; Always “Trust” the “Son” to Rise.


We Kingdom Citizens have been blessed beyond measure by God through Him sending Jesus to bring “Salvation”.  Salvation is “Saving Power” from “Every Possible Dilemma” that Satan shoot at us. 


God has given us “A Measure of Faith” that is sufficient, when exercised, to save us from what we are facing.  By us Exercising our Faith “we will” be able to “quench every attempt” of Satan’s to make people be wicked and evil towards us.


Acknowledge – To “Own”, “Avow”, or “Admit” to be True.

Faithful – To be dependable, trustworthy, and loyal. 


Our Daily Nuggets

began by telling us that we must “Acknowledge the Lord” and that “The Lord is Faithful”.  When we “Acknowledge God” by trusting Him to Save us from our situation, we will find that God is Faithful and Loyal concerning His Caring for and Protecting us.


We know that Satan is always roaming around the earth, trying to create “havoc” in peoples lives and households.  Fretting and worrying concerning this havoc is “evidence of unbelief” that God will be Faithful and Loyal in Delivering Us.  Thinking like this is the opposite of Exercising our Faith.  This is “Exercising an Unbelief”;  God will not deliver us when we do not believe.


We know that God can deliver, Satan also knows that God can deliver.  “Knowing” that God can deliver is not Exercising our Faith; “Trusting” God to deliver is Exercising our Faith.  When we Trust God to deliver, we Live Like Its Already Done.


Ask God to Bless You To Always Believe and Trust the Son to Rise

And Watch What Happens.


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