Trust "Truth"!

                                                                        Trust “Truth”!


God’s Word is the Only Truth.


Let not your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me.  (John 14:1)

I am The Way, “The Truth”, and the Life; no one comes to the Father, but by me.  

(John 14:6)


                           Trusting Truth is “Resisting The Devil”, now, He’ll Flee.

Every person that is born, is born in sin, “Separated from the Father”; now every person must get to the Father.  The work of the Holy Spirit is to get everyone to the Father; the work of the demonic spirit is to keep us from being reunited with the Father.  “This Is The War”!  The War is a spiritual war, “We Cannot See Our Enemy”.   


              “Therefore, We Must Trust Truth To Protect Us and to Show Us The Way”.

Based on our Thinking, “We will Trust Truth or Deception”.

Truth – God’s Word, The Bible, Is “Truth”!


Belief is the highway to Trusting Truth.  Unbelief is the highway to Trusting Deception. God’s Word, the Bible is the Only Truth.  To know Truth, we must Study and Obey the Bible.  Truth says, if we Trust Truth then the devil will flee from us.  Rather we Trust Truth or not is always shown in rather we obey Truth or not.


When we “Obey Truth”, the devil will flee from us and our household; when we disobey Truth, the devil makes his home in us and in our households.  Do you Love your family enough to Obey The Truth?  If the answer is no, “shame” on you.  Religion nor Tradition is Truth, only The Bible.


Always remember, “All Power ‘Has Been’ Given to Truth”; therefore, Truth is able to deliver; this is why we can Trust Truth.  Truth leads us to Live by Faith and Not by Sight.  When Jesus looked into His “Cup of Suffering”, the Cup was too much for Him to drink, “Until” He went to the Father in Prayer for help to Carry His Cross.

Jesus Trusted Truth, God’s Word, to Carry His Cross, “So Must We”!


Our Deliverer is “Standing By”, Ready to Save, as soon as we “Trust Truth”.


Ask God to Bless you to, “All Day Long Today To”, 

“Trust Truth”

Now, Live Your Life Of Victory!


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