

Why Be Thankful?


Do not be anxious about anything, but in “every situation”, by prayer and petition, with “Thanksgiving”, present your request to God.  (Philippians 4:6)


To be Thankful is an act of humility; to not be Thankful is an act of Pride.


No matter how bad things are or how bad we think things are, we all have been blessed, plenty enough, to “Always Be Thankful”.   Consider that we all brought nothing into this world with us and none of us could take care of ourselves, nor could we provide for ourselves.  But everyday God has cared for and provided for us.


Pride – An attitude of self-importance, self-sufficiency, and self-exaltation that  puts

             one above God and others.

Thankful – Giving grace  and kindness in response to God’s goodness and grace. 

                   It’s a positive response that’s at the core of spiritual growth. 


Our Daily Nugget

is part of the instructions that Paul is giving to the Church at Philippi and to us that we are not to be anxious, worried about nothing; but in “every situation”, by prayer and petition, with “Thanksgiving” present your request.


Our Daily Nugget is giving us the “Solution” for “All of our Dilemmas”.  It is critical that we focus on the “Solution” and not on the “Dilemma”.  To be “anxious” is a sign that we are focusing on the Dilemma and not on the Solution.  Whatever we “Focus” on, “We Get More Of It”; good or bad.


Solomon tells us that we “Must Be Careful ‘What’ we Think”; for “What We Think” “Sets The Boundaries of Our Life”.  We will Think Life or we will Think Death.  To be anxious is evidence that we are “Thinking Death”. 


All through the Bible, God has given people a “Choice”; to choose Life or Death.  To Live like the Bible is Choosing Life, to choose a way other than what the Bible says is Choosing Death.


Ask God to Bless you

With the Wisdom to “Choose Life”, “By Being Thankful”.


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