Became and Living!

                                                        Became and Living! 


We were all “Lost In Sin”; Jesus “Found us through Grace.


For our sake He made Him (Jesus) to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the “righteousness” of God.  (2 Corinthians 5:21)

This “righteousness” is given through “Faith” in Jesus Christ to all who “Believe”.  There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  (Romans 3:22)


When the world sees us, believers, it should be to them like they are seeing Jesus.


Our Daily Nugget

is telling us that we all are guilty of sinning against God. We had to go before the Judge, God, “unable to pay” the debt we owed and without any “representation”.  We were born outside the Family of God; Jesus paid the debt we owed to God to become a family member again and He is representing us throughout our life.  


We “Became” Righteous before God and are “Becoming” “Like Jesus” in our Living through, Loving. We now have “Faith” that can move mountains, raise the dead, and Faith to Love the Lord and to Love our Neighbor as we love ourselves.  Jesus “has brought” us from the darkness to the Light.


Walking in darkness, we stumble over things often, because we can’t see; but, when we become the righteousness of Christ, it is like turning on the light. Now we are “Walking in The Light”. With the Light On, we can see the things that made us stumble and avoid them, before we stumble.


We can now stand and be the men and women that God has called us to be.


We “have been saved” from a life of sin; when we are saved from something, that means we are free of it.  A pig that has been cleaned of the mud, will run right back to the mud, “Unless the Pig Has Been Given a New Heart/Mind”.  Have you gone back to the mud, or have you kept yourself clean through the Blood?  A pig is a pig, unless it has been “Born Again”. 


We “Became” free through “Belief”,

We Become like Jesus through Faith and Obedience to “The Bible”.

Ask God to Bless you to Believe and to Obey the Instruction Manual, the Bible.


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