He's Wonderful.

                                                                   He’s Wonderful.


So Wonderful, “How Could It Be?


I “praise” you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: “your works are wonderful”; I know that full well.  (Psalms 139:14)

You are wonderful, LORD, and “you deserve all praise, because you are much greater than anyone can understand”.  (Psalms 145:3)


When we were yet guilty of sin, Jesus, the Christ, “Died In Our Place”.


We all owed a debt that none of us could pay; this debt was to God who created and who owns everything, including all of us.  Adam, the first man, disobeyed God and the sentence was that Adam and all people after him became guilty of disobedience, as Adam’s very seed was now contaminated with sin, and needed to be saved.  


The sentence from God is “Death”; Eternal pain and agony, eternally separated from God, in hell, with no way out, forever.  When this body stops working, our “Spirit”, that this body carries around, will go to be with God or with Satan.  Our spirit will still have emotions, feelings, just like before we died, we are just without that body.  


God Required someone who was “Pure and Uncontaminated” to be used as a Sacrifice for us, God required someone to “Die In Our Place”. Jesus, the Christ, said to God, “I Will Go, Send Me”.  God gave Jesus a body.  God accepted the sacrificial life and death of Jesus as payment of the debt that each of us owed.  To be saved from this Debt, we must Believe that God did this for us and “Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior”.  Now we are saved from “Payment of this Debt”.


We now, “Have Been Saved from the Penalty of sin”, we are “Being Saved from the Power of sin”, and when we physically die, “We Shall Be Saved from the Presence of sin”.  To Reject God’s Process of Redeeming us by using the Blood of Jesus is to tell God, “I Choose to Pay My Debt to You Myself”.  This is a “Choice” to spend eternity with Satan in Hell, with agony, fire, punishment, and pain forever.   


“Hell is a Real Place”.  All who accept Jesus will be Saved from Hell, all who reject Jesus will be sent there by God, to pay your debt to Him.  Just say to God, “Father I Believe” what you have done “Thank You for Saving Me”.


This is “The Day”, “Now is the Hour”, to “Accept God’s Offer of Salvation”.


Our Daily Nuggets

are telling us that “Jesus is Wonderful”, because He Has Saved From This Debt.


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