What's New?

                                                                     What’s New?


New Creatures are “New Creatures”.


So, from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view.  Though once we regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a “New Creature”: old things “are passed away”; behold, “all things are become new”.  (2 Corinthians 5:16&17)


You say you are a New Creature; “What’s New”?


A tremendous change occurs when a person becomes a “New Creature” in Christ.    We cannot be an Old Creature and a New Creature at the same time; the change is instantaneous, like it was with Paul.  The Bible refers to this as being a “lukewarm” person.  Jesus will spit the “lukewarm” person out of his mouth, this means the lukewarm person lied when they said they believed; they are not saved.


Paul is telling the Church at Corinth and us that when we accept Jesus as our lord and Savior, it is due to what we have decided in our “heart/mind”, our Thinking Process.  What “we do” is a progressed state of “What we are Thinking”.  Before I can do you right or wrong I must Think about it first, then the doing occurs.


So, it is with the New Creature; the New Creature “has had” a change in Thinking, the change in living is a natural follow through.  The Bible says, “as a man Thinks in his heart/mind” “So Is He”.


We are “What We Think”, we are not “What We Think We Are”.

Please get this concept down; pray to God and He will make it plain to you.


Jesus has provided for us a “New Way”, it is called “Faith”.  In Faith, lies Victory for every battle we must fight.  The Bible calls it “The Shield of Faith”; with this Shield, “New Creatures” can quench “everyone” of Satan’s attempts to get us to Think and to Live like the old creature.  New Creatures “Can Do Right”.  New Creatures utilize God’s Word, The Bible to know “What To Do” and we “Exercise Our Faith” for the ability to do it.


Always remember, “We Can Do ‘All Things’ Through Christ”!  If it were not so, God, in the Bible, would not have said it. The living of the New Creature will be like the “Morning Sunrise”, bringing Life and Light to a dark and dying world.


Ask God to Bless You with the ability to Think from 

“The Words View” and no longer from “The World’s View”; That’s What’s New!


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