Protected By Angels.
For He will command His “Angels” concerning you to guard your “in all your ways”; they will “lift you up in their hands”, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. (Psalms 91:1-12)
Then “The Angel” of the LORD went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning-there were all the dead bodies! (Isaiah 37-36-38)
Angels are Spirit Beings; the Spirit World Controls the Physical World!
Angels are “Protecting” us Each Day and All Day!
Angels are called “ministers” in Hebrew 1:7. Their role is to serve those who are to “Inherit Salvation”, that is, Christian Believers. You and me. The Bible tells us that some lied when they said they believed; they are not going to receive salvation because they did not believe when they said they did. Therefore, they are not protected. Believers Love Their Neighbors as They Love Themselves!
Psalms 91:1 is our instructions on How To Receive this Protection.
If you say, “The Lord is My Refuge”, and “You make the Most High your Dwelling”
“no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent”.
This is a Promise From God and God Cannot Lie.
We are Children of God; our Father owns the physical and the spirit worlds, He commands His Angels to Protect Us from the wickedness and evil of this world. Each morning realize and understand that God’s Angels are literally our “Bodyguards”. In our Daily Nugget “One Angel” killed a hundred and eighty-five thousand soldiers.
When we understand that we are “Protected” we can “Boldly Exercise our Faith”. Faith protects us from everyone of Satan’s efforts to bring calamity or death to us. This Faith will bring sight to our “Spiritual Eyes”, and we will be able to see and understand, where without this Faith we can’t see and will fear.
This Protection will make you as Bold as a Lion, but as Humble as a Lamb.
This is How Kingdom Citizens should live in this Protected State.
“Stand Still”, and you “Will See” the Glory of the Lord!
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