Smooth Words.

                                                                    Smooth Words.


Smooth Words Can’t Save.


These people are “stubborn rebels” wo refuse to pay attention to the Lord’s Instructions. They tell the seers, Stop Seeing Visions!  They tell the prophets, Don’t tell us what is right. Tell us nice things.  Tell us lies.  Forget all this gloom.  Get of the narrow path.  Stop telling us about you Holy One of Israel.  (Isaiah 30:9-11)


The wicked and evil “Requires Smooth Words”!


Our Daily Nugget

is Isaiah speaking to Israel, and to us, who are not living according to God’s Instructions, even though they are very religious people.  Being religious does not mean that our actions are pleasing to God.  Israel demanded “flattery”!  Flattery makes us “feel good”, but flattery keeps us “being bad”.  They are unwilling to face reality or change their ways.  We call it “Repentance”.


The people of Israel were engrossed in sin and wrongdoing, pretty much like the United States, very religious, but very sinful and do not want to hear anyone tell them they are wrong according to God’s Instruction Manual, the Bible.  


When we hate hearing what’s right, it might be because we are stubborn, and rebellious, and refuse to change our wrong ways and tell God’s Messenger to quit telling us what’s right, hard words; “Give us Smooth Words”.  This way we can keep sinning and doing wrong and we can still “feel good”.  We just go to people who will use “smooth words” on us, they tell us what we like hearing, “they flatter us”.


If You Are On This Road, Repent Now, Get Off This Road!


When one who says they are a Kingdom Citizen but insist on living in rebellion to the Bible; and refuse to Hear and Accept the Truth, the Bible; are setting themselves and their household up for destruction.  Before God punish us, He sends someone with a message telling us to repent.  The demonic spirit that we have chosen to live in obedience to, will lead us to “get mad” at the one bringing the message of Truth.


We always have the option to obey the Holy Spirit or the Demonic Spirit.  If we ever get to the point of “Getting Mad” at a person for speaking what the Bible says, “Know This”, we are obeying the demonic spirit, we are rejecting God and we and our households “Will Eat” the fruit of this Rebellion. There are Smooth Words and there are Right Words; one leads to life, and one leads to death.


“Repent Today”, “Bring Salvation to yourself and to your household”!


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