The "Door" is "Still Open".
The “Door” is “Still Open”.
Work, While it is Day.
Jesus says, “I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is “Still Day”: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4)
A male and a female of “all flesh” went in as God had commanded Noah. Then “the LORD Closed The Door” behind them. (Genesis 7:16)
Get Into The Ark Today, “Love”!
Our Daily Nugget
is about two men that God used to bring His Offer of Salvation to a lost world. All who believed and accepted His Offer was saved from this lostness. This offer was first made at the beginning of Time, and God is making this offer at the End of Time.
Noah preached for 100 years to the people to “Forsake Pleasure and Sin”, to Repent because its “Gonna Rain”. The people “ridiculed” him. When The Rain Comes, “It’s Too Late” to Get Into The Ark, and it is too late to get others into the ark. When the Rain Came, all the people who refused to “Repent” wanted to get into the Ark, but it was too late, “God Had Shut The Door”.
God has been reaching out to a “Rebellious People” to Repent and to Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself! God has given us the command to “Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself”, to Obey this Command is to “Get Into The Ark, Before God Shuts The Door”.
Ask yourself, “Am I In The Ark”?
Do I Love the Lord, and Do I Love My Neighbor as I Love Myself? If you Love like the Bible says, you are in the Ark, if you do not Love like the Bible says, “You are not in the Ark”. To refuse to enter the Ark leads to destruction.
God is Going to Shut the Door to Salvation (The Ark) once again. It’s not too late today; if you are still breathing, “You Can Go Into The Ark”; it doesn’t matter how much sin or wrongdoing you have done, “The Door Is Still Open”. Our Daily Nugget is telling us that we “Must Work While It Is Still Day” to bring others into the Ark. We have an opportunity to bring everybody we meet Today into the Ark.
“This is Our Job as Kingdom Citizens”, to “Bring Our Neighbors Into The Ark”.
Get In The Ark Today, While the Door is Still Open,
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