Where do you Keep your Eyes?
Where do you Keep your Eyes?
Keep your Eyes on Jesus and Jesus will Keep His Eyes on you!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, “fixing our eyes on Jesus”, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. “For the joy set before Him” “He endured the cross”, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
(Hebrews 12:1-3)
If we “keep our eyes on the world”, “Jesus is not ‘guiding’ our living”.
Satan, working through people, are always working to get us to take our eyes off Jesus; by being “busy with things”; the things can be bad or good things, nevertheless “the goal” is to get us to “Take our Eyes Off Of Jesus” “Onto Worldly Things”. Things that will not even last. The Bible says, “Only What We Do For Christ Will Last and Be Counted In The End”.
We can “See”, and we can “Look”.
We see because we are not blind, because our physical eyes work, therefore, if something is there, we see it. Solomon did not just “see” Bathsheba bathing naked, he “looked” at Bathsheba bathing naked. There would have been no problem if he would have gone and “put his eyes on Jesus”. To look is brought on by what we are thinking, our heart, our mind, concerning that which we just saw. We cannot be held guilty for “seeing” something, we can be healed guilty for “looking” at something.
Our eyes and our heart/mind “Walk Together”!
“We are the author of our future”, this is so because what we decide to keep our eyes focused on is the way we choose for our life to go. We cannot keep our eyes on the Word and the World at the same time. The Word will not compete with the world, we must choose to “keep our eyes fixed on Jesus”. To love the world will prevent us from keeping our eyes “Fixed on Jesus”.
Our Daily Nugget
is wisdom on How to Live Right; to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus is Victory over the World. To keep our eyes fixed on the Word/Jesus is protection from the world. Jesus is standing at the door of our heart/mind knocking, wanting to come in; “Open the Door for Jesus” by “Keeping Your Heart/Mind, your Thinking ‘Fixed’ on Jesus”.
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