Get Your Forgiveness.

                                                             Get Your Forgiveness.


Obtain “Freedom” for yourself, “Forgive”.


For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  (Matthew 6:14)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  (1John 1:9)


Are You “Glad” God Forgives?  Make Others and God Glad All Day, “Forgive”!


If you find it difficult to Forgive, 

“Ask The Lord, Why”?  We should find “Joy” in Forgiving!


One of the best things I can do for me is to Forgive you.  All Heaven rejoices when we forgive. The Secret to Being Forgiven is to Forgive.  “If I Can’t Forgive You”, “I Can’t Let God Forgive Me”.  Quit beating yourselves up over your wrongs: Repent and “Let God Forgive”.  Everyone “Likes to be Forgiven”, but does everyone “Like to Forgive”?  To Forgive is to “Birth New Life”, in the forgiver and in the forgiven!  “It’s Like Sunrise On A Fresh, Clear, Morning”, after the storm!


Our Daily Nugget

is letting us know about two situations to obtain forgiveness:

1.    When we “Forgive Others”; to let the offense go, as if it never happened.

However, When you forgive a snake, “remember it’s still a snake”.  Be wise dealing with snakes or  you “will” get a snake bite again.  Snakes Bite, it’s their nature; just because you forgave a snake, don’t think that snake would not turn around and bite you again.  Snakes are not Thankful, nor Grateful; they are just glad they did not have to pay for their sin and wrongdoing.

2.    When we confess our sins.  Confessing and Telling are not the same.

Confess – To be remorseful, to turn away from that sin or wrongdoing.

Telling – No remorse, no desire, nor intention, to turn away for that sin.


God is not mocked; we will reap what we sow!  Sincerity and Truth are required; if sincerity and truth are not there, it’s not a Confession, it’s only a Telling.  Much confession is not confession at all, it’s just Telling.  There is no forgiveness in Telling.


Jesus did not suffer and die so that we can “Sin Freely”!

Forgive others for Your Freedom and the Freedom of Your Household!


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