


All Believers are “Sanctified”!


You “were” sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of Our God.  

(1 Corinthians 6:11)


As Believers we are “The Temple of God”, “The Temple is Holy and Sacred”.


Our Daily Nugget

is Paul telling the Church at Corinth and us that when we became a Believer an amazing “Transformation Occurred”, “we were” “Sanctified” in our Thinking, Living, Doing and Not Doing, “All Based On The Bible”.  The Bible calls this Transformation, “A New Creature” in our Thinking.


When we become a New Creature in our Thinking, we become a New Creature in our Actions; it is Automatic after Belief.  New Creatures live like New Creatures, Old Creatures live like Old Creatures; we can “fake” it but faking it does not make it real.  God says, “we will reap what we sow”, because “God is Not Mocked”.


Holy – Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred. 

Sanctified – To set something or someone for a Holy Purpose, or to make something “sacred”.

Sacred – Something that is Holy, worthy of worship, or set  apart for God.


It is Critical to us Living Our Purpose

to always be conscious of the fact that we are Now Sanctified from the Old Way of Thinking, therefore Sanctified from the Old Way of Living.  Our Living follows our Thinking.  If we continue to live like we did before we said we believe, this would be evidence that we were never Sanctified in our Thinking.  


“It Is Impossible To Change and Remain The Same”!

We do not Grow into Sanctification; we “Were Sanctified” when we first believed.  It is a sad sight for sixty, seventy, eight, ninety, one hundred-year-old people saying, “We’ve Got To Grow Into It”.  Grow When?  Sanctification occurs before we die, not after we die.  To try to Live Holy without a Sanctified “Mentality” is like a blind man trying to thread a needle.

Ask God to Bless you with a Sanctified Mentality, 

Heart/Mind, Thinking, and go “Live Holy” like “The New Creature That You Are”!


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