The "Spirit World" Controls The "Physical World"!

 Proverbs 20:27  Your spirit is like a lamp to The Lord.  He is able to “see” into your deepest parts.



The “Spirit World” Controls The “Physical World”!



Human beings have a spirit, but we are not spirit!

But only believers are “spiritually alive.”


Your Spirit contains “All Truth About You”!

Your Spirit Cannot “Lie About You”!

A Wise Prayer, “Lord Bless Me To See Me The Way You See Me!


Our “Spirit” can explain “The Why” - We did it!


Our “Deepest Parts”

are where bone and marrow meet, where motives are formed.

We cannot see into each other’s deepest parts, only God can.


Therefore, no person knows who is and who is not saved.

We know what The Bible say, and we can know what each other do,

but we cannot know each other’s motives, only God can.


Keep Your “Spirit” focused on “The Light”,

in Yourself and in Others!


When I see the best in you, I see the best in myself.

When I see the worst in you, I see the worst in myself.


Our life follows our “Focus”!


Sincerity & Truth are keys to having a “Right Spirit”.

It is impossible to have a Right Spirit without sincerity and truth.

A “Right Spirit” is “The Goal”.  


Characteristics of a “Right Spirit”:

1.    Utilizing the Word, not the world, as the instruction manual for living.   

2.    Loving my neighbor as I love myself, therefore, I am not selfish.

3.    Understands that it is better to give than to receive.

4.    Understands that Vengeance is not mine, but The Lords.

5.    Understands that “if I can physically see it, it’s not my enemy”.

6.    Understands that Patience is a virtue and waits patiently on The Lord.

7.    Understands that Trusting & Obeying is the way of Kingdom Citizens.


These characteristics are the evidence of a right spirit, which will flow out of us “automatically”, by the Power of The Holy Spirit, as we

“Trust in Jesus”!


Nothing can be hidden from God!


Kingdom Citizens, Living Holy, “Have Nothing To Hide”!


“Think” this “Daily Nugget” All Day


Watch What Happens!








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